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US General Domestic Politics #20 Begins 06/11/21.

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15 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

The largest body of water stocked with criminals is the Washington, D.C. swamp which still needs to be drained.

but dear traitor said that he would drain it. instead he has made it MUCH worse.

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15 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Only if illegal Dem votes are included in the count as they were in 2020.:dodgy:

news flash. the only illegal votes were cast by qtrumplicans. and even that number was extremely low. the voter fraud lie is exactly that a lie.

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15 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

What else can an employer require employees to do to their own bodies? And what do these healthcare professionals know about the vaccine that has convinced them not to be vaccinated? Hope the case ends up in the Supreme Court. 

healthcare workers take an oath to "1st do no harm". if they infect their patients do you call that "no harm"?

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15 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Much would be accomplished, like stopping liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democrats from passing legislation that will destroy America. :cool:

just keep ignoring reality. it's the only thing that you have ever accomplished.

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15 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

The purpose of the FBI investigation is to determine who leaked the classified info to the news media.  Apparently the FBI discovered evidence leading them to believe Schiff and  Swalwell were sources for the leaks, thus they subpoenaed their phone records.

no they didn't they investigated because dear traitor & barr told them to. and guess what? it backfired.

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14 hours ago, happyone said:

So glad you posted this.  The majority of those named were big Democratic donors, supporting the Democratic party.

they should all pay & the donationsshould be stopped for all. the government in it's present state isn't working for the people at all.

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14 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And how much do you pay?

if you had read the article (or some of the others that you didn't read) you would know that the point is that most of us are paying more than the rich. but you knew that already & refuse to face reality as always.

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13 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And how many 100 thousands died because government bureaucrats like Fauci prevented people from being treated with hydroxychloroquine?

none. hydroxychloroquine was shown to be not effective despite what lies dear traitor spread.

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13 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

If you can still catch and spread covid after vaxxing why get vaccinated?

in case you haven't been keeping up with reality (of course you haven't) one of the biggest reasons for getting it is because the risk of hospitalization, serious reaction, & death is decreased significantly. that's why!

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4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

What's that 20 cents per year?

even that is more than dear traitor paid in most years. and in case you missed it (of course you did) he bragged about it before his term even started.

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