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US General Domestic Politics #20 Begins 06/11/21.

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

That's still to be determined. Not enough research has yet been done. We still don't know all the long term effects of the virus nor the vaccines.

You took the vaccine, yet still parrot the anti-vaxxer talking points.  Are you ill? 

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

That's old news. You need to check out the results of more recent studies. A new study published by MedRxiv found that hydroxychloroquine and zinc treatments of covid patients increased survival rates by almost 3 times. 

Old news?  FROM THE MAYO CLINIC?  Just stop, Saggy Sack.

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7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

If I were in my 20s using my body to earn millions of dollars as a professional athlete I would be very careful about what I was injecting into my body. I would read all the research and consult with numerous experts about covid-19 before being vaccinated. I would need to weigh the risks of damage from the vaccine against the risks of damage from contracting the virus. Dr. Fauci wouldn't even be on my list as one of the experts.

You bend logic to its breaking point.  

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6 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

  If masks work, why do people who wear one demand those who don't, wear one? If vaccines work, why do those who get one, demand those who dont, get one. I've worn the mask, and gotten my vaccine, if someone else, as is thier right, doesn't want to , f them. Sounds simple. If it's not, tell me why.

Everybody has a right to choose Ashley.  But if they're in a profession that involves close contact, then you need to get vaccinated to protect others.  Rizzo doesn't even bother with a mask either.  He puts his teammates and oppositional players in possible danger.  If he doesn't want to take the vax, then he should sit out.  There are consequences with our choices.  You, of anybody on this site, know that just from watching the "poison pool" in Ben's apartment.

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44 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

It would appear to me that Ron Johnson protests too much.


Sen. Johnson has long defended the rioters at the January 6 insurrection, once calling them "people that love this country."



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6 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

  If masks work, why do people who wear one demand those who don't, wear one? If vaccines work, why do those who get one, demand those who dont, get one. I've worn the mask, and gotten my vaccine, if someone else, as is thier right, doesn't want to , f them. Sounds simple. If it's not, tell me why.

Everybody has a right to choose Ashley.  But if they're in a profession that involves close contact, then you need to get vaccinated to protect others.  Rizzo doesn't even bother with a mask either.  He puts his teammates and oppositional players in possible danger.  If he doesn't want to take the vax, then he should sit out.  There are consequences with our choices.  You, of anybody on this site, know that just from watching the "poison pool" in Ben's apartment.

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9 hours ago, golfer06 said:

you can't seem to stop standing up for treason.

Defending your life, family and property may be treason in your fucked up country of Russia, but in the U.S. it is a right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.   

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