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US General Domestic Politics #20 Begins 06/11/21.

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He's caving in to the pressure.  He'll end up supporting it.


After extensive pressure from activists, lawmakers, former lawmakers, the NAACP and other organizations, Joe Manchin is finally revealing what he would be open to as part of the new...


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3 hours ago, ooopel said:

Let's my sentences coherent and Where i had graduated either way in inner city public schools or (not) a side😋, it's not the reason of why failed your clown in presidential elections and not explain why he not got a second term as the all ex presidents since the 20 years ago,( that a source of your painful) 😌, not from where i'm got my (educutions)😋 by the way, You not have the capacity or Even the sene of comparing, oh Even You are not the person on my list that I find qualified to discuss with him?You As your Saint he is so good onto twisting the facts.All what you will say or said it after the elections are fake arguments,because it's not your arguments comes out of your mind!that It's his a fake arguements ( you'r just like a tube or a big big mouth,he was and still used  them to release of his lies on the air) because you only see with the eyes of that liar and you live as a prisoner on the prison of his mental superstitions...Wish one day you come out to modern world and see how the world had became are so Relaxed or so restful without day by day seen of that (a liar) Saint has no longer show up in White House or on the media as president.😋by the way,my dear Ridgeyyy just keep up on your sleepy status we are so sorry because we woke up you☺️☺️


If I were you, I'd be careful about talking in regards to presidential terms.

Except for Reagan (nearly assassinated) and W., all presidents elected in a zero year died in office.

Not that it matters much: Xi is not an American President, so he's safe. And though his puppet was elected in a zero year, somehow, Biden and Harris were elected to be houseplants. There are no reports of house plants dying when they were moved to the White House in a zero year.

Xi is running the show. Biden has helped make the US dependent on foreign sources of energy sources. Putin loves him, too. Big time now, because he can now charge higher prices for his oil.

You've got until the next mid-term election to lock up the deal. We're getting pissed off out here in the hinterlands, and we are black, Caucasian, Asian, and everything else. This political nonsense from you Marxists simply does not work except in the big welfare cities of the US where crime is out-of-control and citizens are encouraged to be junkies, vagrants, thieves and beggars on the public dole.



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Look who's spilling the beans.  It's getting hot under Jones' collar.


Advertising Most political administrations would have considered Alex Jones to be a joke. The Trump administration, though, desperately need the votes of his supporters. So they played...


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43 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

If I were you, I'd be careful about talking in regards to presidential terms.

Except for Reagan (nearly assassinated) and W., all presidents elected in a zero year died in office.

Not that it matters much: Xi is not an American President, so he's safe. And though his puppet was elected in a zero year, somehow, Biden and Harris were elected to be houseplants. There are no reports of house plants dying when they were moved to the White House in a zero year.

Xi is running the show. Biden has helped make the US dependent on foreign sources of energy sources. Putin loves him, too. Big time now, because he can now charge higher prices for his oil.

You've got until the next mid-term election to lock up the deal. We're getting pissed off out here in the hinterlands, and we are black, Caucasian, Asian, and everything else. This political nonsense from you Marxists simply does not work except in the big welfare cities of the US where crime is out-of-control and citizens are encouraged to be junkies, vagrants, thieves and beggars on the public dole.




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