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US General Domestic Politics #21 Begins 06/18/21.

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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Because the DOJ was corrupted by the Obama administration. And many of those corrupt people are still in the DOJ.

Wrong.  She did nothing wrong.  If she did in your eyes, then fucking prove your point.  Saying it was corrupted by Obama Adm. doesn't make it true.

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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Watch the video of the Comey press conference of July 5,2016 to hear the list of crimes Hillary committed but was not indicted for.

None of the items on the list constituted criminal behavior.  Besides, you should be happy that Comey announced re-opening the investigation a week before the election, costing HRC the presidency.  But all you want to do is whine.

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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

You mean the phone call that the White House made public in a transcript?  The transcript which proved that Vindman had lied about the content of the phone conversation in his testimony to the impeachment committee.:dodgy:

Unlike you, Vindman is a true Patriot.

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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

I don't think Trump would trust the asshole Comey being anywhere close to him.

Let's finish your sentence...."after Comey refused to pledge total allegiance to the orange blob of shit."  

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Controversial Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) received a cold welcome from constituents in Milwaukee on Saturday."Senator Ron Johnson stopped by Milwaukee's Juneteenth Day celebration Saturday afternoon, June...


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