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US General Domestic Politics #23 Begins 06/28/21.

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3 hours ago, O_U812 said:

I'm not paging back dude.  But I did not say it.  You did.  You see things that you want to see.  You can't control every aspect of every conversation.

You didn't need to page back. I posted a quote of your comment for you, and you still deny what you said.

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16 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

I did document it. How do you think Happy was able to find it and post the article? Told you I don't post articles.

if it fits your agenda then you should post it. some of your cult friends might want to see it. but instead you simply show your level of ignorance.

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3 hours ago, O_U812 said:

He lies or contorts everything to fit his own version of reality.

And you say things and then deny that you said them. Truth is that I proved you wrong with your own words and you can't handle having your deceit exposed.

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12 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

The so called bi-partisan commission would have been another Washington, D.C. establishment run sham investigation just like this committee investigation will be.

and now your leaders will have no influence. but as i said already they simply want to deny, distract, deflect, & complain. they don't want to ever actually solve anything.

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2 hours ago, golfer06 said:

One of the best things about today’s indictments against the Trump Organization and its longtime CFO, Allen Weisselberg, is that the charges are easy for dopes like me to understand. I’m a little like one...


Glad to see David Frum admit that he is a "dope".:biggrin:

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7 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

You mean like the pretty pictures of people and animals shitting that you post?

are you enjoying them? you seem to recognize those pics but miss the actual news proving my original point. now go back to your 5 yr nap.

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