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US General Domestic Politics #29 Begins 08/13/21.

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12 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

       Again, 🖕 you worthless mentally incapacitated mind warped communist propagandist. 

Du wiederholst Dich Kleiner. Nicht mehr als heisse stinkende Luft die Du verbreitest.  Blah blah blah in Dauerschleife. Gehe schlafen.

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11 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

Bedanke Dich bei Deinem Führer und Kriegsverbrecher G.W. Bush junior, der Idiot hat den Krieg in Afghanistan ohne Verstand los getreten, nur weil er Osama bin Laden verfolgen wollte. Und nun kehren nach 20 Jahren Krieg Amerikaner als geschlagene Hunde heim. Das war in Korea nicht anders, das war in Vietnam nicht anders und das war im Irak nicht anders. Durch unüberlegte Spontan-Politik sind Amerikaner die geborenen Verlierer (LOOSER). Und jetzt höre auf zu weinen, Baby. 😁

      Fuck off you worthless communist propagandist kraut. You are nothing but just another waste of space and piss poor excuse of humanity.

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10 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

     You propagandist are the waste...a waste of space and piss poor excuse of humanity. You propagandists can't stand it when any truth or facts are presented or revealed that might reveal the credibility of the bullshit you are usually trying to peddle and promote is non existent.

Ein Stinktier wie Du ist reine "Platzverschwendung" in der Welt.

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1 hour ago, Nicholas said:

     You're nothing but a worthless communist propagandist kraut from a country that was destroyed during WWII because of many others just like you only they were referred to as fascists. Communists / fascists / marxists / socialists, all have one common factor, all possess mentally disturbed minds whose brains thought processes do not function normally in either reality, logic, or rationality and therefore possess no common sense. 🖕

you must have had a really bad childhood. oh wait. you're still having it.

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31 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

      Recorded illegal border crossing apprehensions now being reported up to 1.75 to 1.8 million. Imagine that...and thats just recorded apprehensions. It does not include all that illegally crossed the border in blatant violation of federal law that managed to get across without being apprehended and that is estimated to be 2 to 3 or more for every apprehension that was made. The most outrageous thing of it all, is that 100's of 1000's of covid positive illegals are being intentionally transported to various locations throughout the country without anyone being notified in regards to where they are being transported to and put up in motels or hotels and left there with a number of them being covid positive not even being quarantined in any way. All while using U.S. taxpayer funds to support the illegals during and after they've been transported and housed in motels and hotels and being given financial assistance, all at the expense of U.S. taxpayers. Yet the puppet and his cronies actually try to make it seem that they actually care about the spread of covid....but in reality they are some of the most corrupt and dishonest hypocrites in the history of this country and could give a shit less about the spread of covid as long it does not affect none of them or their families or close cronies too much and they can use it as an undermining cudgel and political narrative. 

all those words & no truth. but the last time i checked texas & arizona were run by qtrumplicans. so how have all of these immigrants managed to travel through those states unnoticed? i can't wait to read your next fantasy.

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8 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

you must have had a really bad childhood. oh wait. you're still having it.

      Apparently the best part of you dribbled or ran down someones leg just before your worthless existence was conceived you immature minded immature gif posting propagandist.

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27 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

       Again, 🖕 you worthless mentally incapacitated mind warped communist propagandist. 

maybe you should save your name calling for the taliban. but it would have the same effect that it always does. simply showing that you are a magadroid idiot.

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21 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

     You propagandist are the waste...a waste of space and piss poor excuse of humanity. You propagandists can't stand it when any truth or facts are presented or revealed that might reveal the credibility of the bullshit you are usually trying to peddle and promote is non existent.

so far you haven't posted any truth about anything. i'm waiting.

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5 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

      Fuck off you worthless communist propagandist kraut. You are nothing but just another waste of space and piss poor excuse of humanity.

Das war wieder einmal eine sehr sachliche Antwort auf meinen wohlwollenden Beitrag. Du kannst nur beleidigen, da Du zur Sache eine totale Null bist. Dazu müsste man denken - und dazu fehlt Dir das passende Körperteil. Wenn, dann denkst Du mit dem Arsch - deshalb auch der viele Bullshit von Dir. Gehe in Deine Höhle und überlasse Menschen das denken.

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