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US General Domestic Politics #29 Begins 08/13/21.

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12 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

      Fuck off you worthless communist propagandist kraut. You are nothing but just another waste of space and piss poor excuse of humanity.

no valid response again. simply more name calling. why am i not surprised?

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5 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

      Apparently the best part of you dribbled or ran down someones leg just before your worthless existence was conceived you immature minded immature gif posting propagandist.

you are pitiful. you can't even post an insult without stealing it from spying1. you are totally lame & a complete waste.

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9 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

Das war wieder einmal eine sehr sachliche Antwort auf meinen wohlwollenden Beitrag. Du kannst nur beleidigen, da Du zur Sache eine totale Null bist. Dazu müsste man denken - und dazu fehlt Dir das passende Körperteil. Wenn, dann denkst Du mit dem Arsch - deshalb auch der viele Bullshit von Dir. Gehe in Deine Höhle und überlasse Menschen das denken.


8 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

no valid response again. simply more name calling. why am i not surprised?

       It's common knowledge that propagandists like to congregate and stick together because in reality in life outside of the internet, they are cowards to say anything unless they are together. I don't have time to continue letting it be known what your types actually are right now, but I will be sure to get back to doing so later. Until then 🖕.

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Former President Donald Trump on Thursday put out a new statement on Afghanistan that appeared to call for bombing American forces.Via reporter Andrew Feinberg, Trump attempted to state the order of...


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3 minutes ago, Nicholas said:


       It's common knowledge that propagandists like to congregate and stick together because in reality in life outside of the internet, they are cowards to say anything unless they are together. I don't have time to continue letting it be known what your types actually are right now, but I will be sure to get back tobbn doing so later. Until then go fuck yourselves.

Lebe wohl - am besten für immer. Jetzt muß ich erst lüften gehen. Der "Nicholas-Gestank" verpestet meinen PC. 😒

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4 minutes ago, Nicholas said:


       It's common knowledge that propagandists like to congregate and stick together because in reality in life outside of the internet, they are cowards to say anything unless they are together. I don't have time to continue letting it be known what your types actually are right now, but I will be sure to get back to doing so later. Until then 🖕.

we'll miss you.

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another genius.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Michael Stevenson of Oklahoma City moved to Florida a few year ago for work, and it was there that he contracted COVID-19, which ultimately killed him. His wife, Melinda Young, told KFOR that "a shot...


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On Wednesday, former President Donald Trump released a statement criticizing the Biden administration's efforts to evacuate American troops from Afghanistan, writing, "This could be — Afghanistan —...


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Former President Donald Trump is scheduled to speak to his supporters in Alabama this weekend while the state is suffering such a significant COVID-19 outbreak that one doctor feared the entire healthcare...


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Twitter users expressed shock and horror on Thursday over a viral photo showing a COVID-19 patient curled up on the floor while waiting for treatment at a Jacksonville monoclonal antibody treatment site...


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Floyd Ray Roseberry, who appears to be the suspect sitting in his pickup truck outside the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. with an alleged explosive device, posted several videos of his drive to the...


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Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) was blasted on Thursday after he put out a statement on Floyd Ray Roseberry, who allegedly threatened to detonate a bomb on Capitol Hill. "Sadly, threats of violence targeting...


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