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US General Domestic Politics #30 Begins 08/21/21.

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9 hours ago, happyone said:

If Biden can turn this evacuation into an equivalent of the Berlin Airlift, he can reverse much of the damage.



In dem Artikel steht auch, das "die Saat für diese Katastrophe durch den Einsatz von Spezialeinheiten 2001 .... gelegt wurde".

Der  ganze Afghanistan-Krieg war von Anfang an ein dummes Unternehmen. Biden muß nun die Suppe essen, die ihm Kriegsverbrecher G.W. Bush junior  gegeben hat.


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4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Trump is the one responsible for the development of three Covid vaccines in less than a year when the brilliant bureaucrat Tony Fauci said that it was not possible.:cool:


Trump ist für die Entwicklung von Impfstoffen verantwortlich ??? Du träumst schon wieder.

Der erste Corona-Impfstoff wurde von einem deutschen Forscherteam aus Mainz auf den Markt gebracht. (gesponsert mit Millionen Euro vom deutschen Staat)  Dann erfolgte eine Kooperation zur Vermarktung mit Pfizer.

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

but she is a minority women & you are a women hating racist.

No, she is an incompetent vice president.  You just proved what I said previously about Democrats making everything about race. I couldn't care less about her fucking race or sex but I am concerned about her incompetence and lack of integrity.

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

but she is a minority women & you are a women hating racist.

You are the true racist and sexist because you look at the vice president and see only a minority female.  Show me in any of my comments where I made any derogatory comments about her race or her sex.

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

donny traitor lied from day 1 & did nothing to protect the public which was his 1st responsibility. he had nothing to do with the developments. he pushed a campaign to try anything that he thought would make it look like he was doing something to help but all that he cared about was staying in power. the vaccines were developed in spite of him. it's called science & he doesn't believe in it.

Sorry, but your propaganda and lies are not working. Too many people know the truth. 

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