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US General Domestic Politics #30 Begins 08/21/21.

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4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

The Taliban is now dictating withdrawal deadlines for the United states of America?:cry:

It's not our country asshole.  What really cracks me up is that you demanded our withdrawal.  No matter who the President, it was going to be messy.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Here is the headline from a story from The Wrap posted on MSN today, " Fox News Scored More  Live Primetime Viewers Than Any Cable or Broadcast Network Last Week". :cool:

Wow.  I see by your lack of evidence that you're full of shit again.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

That's because the present U.S. Commander in Chief is a senile incompetent wimp.

Oh, you'll translate somebody who agrees with you, but name-call the German guy.  Typical dickhead that you are.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Wonder why O_U812 doesn't say anything about "Sleepy Joe's" poll numbers anymore?:tongue:

Not a bit worried about it.  They'll pick back up.  Trump's stayed between 41-48 his whole fucking 4 years.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

I just heard that Kamala Harris on her return from Southeast Asia will campaign for Gavin Newsom in California. Good! That should cause Newsom to lose a few hundred thousand more votes.  Still probably won't be enough to offset all the illegal votes Newsom will receive from San Francisco, Los Angeles and Oakland though.

Already prepping to excuse it when he wins easily.  

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4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

This is laughable. That is a graph for Aug., 2020,  you ignorant dumb fuck!   You are undoubtedly the dumbest of Putin's propaganda agents.:tongue:

Wow.  You are so. Fucking. Stupid.

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1 hour ago, O_U812 said:

Not a bit worried about it.  They'll pick back up.

     🙄 ☝️ 🤣 Yeah right....watch what happens within this next couple of weeks. That brainless, detached from reality, corrupt, dishonest, lying assed, gutless coward of a puppet will likely be down in the 30's and when the day of reckoning arrives not in the far off distant future, there will likely be a nice little impeachment prepared for him afterwards and put on his sorry ass, only that one will be for real and genuine violations of oaths of office and dereliction of sworn duties. Then all you wacko nutjob propagandists will really be squirming and having nervous breakdowns. 🤣 

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Europa, également Deutschland und Frankreich (andere EU-Länder wie Polen, Ungarn und viele andere ....) blockieren) müssen viele Flüchtlinge aus Afrika aufnehmen. Wegen missglückte US-Kriege gegen Afghanistan und den Irak sollen Europa nun die Scherben zusammen fegen und der USA die Verantwortung abnehmen. SCHANDE.

Dans tous les cas certains pays hors union européenne n'hésitent pas à construire un mur à la frontière pour bloquer toute immigration illégale c'est la Turquie et ils ont bien raison.

Nous n'avons pas le cran pour le faire en union européenne et c'est bien dommage. 


In any case, some countries outside the European Union do not hesitate to build a wall at the border to block all illegal immigration, it is Turkey and they are quite right.

We don't have the guts to do it in a European Union and that's a shame.

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

hey asshole. it leads to right now! the pic in the headline didn't show the entire graph. all you had to do was click & read but that was obviously too difficult for your empty head. you are a complete moron.


The graph you posted previously did not show August, 2021.

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:



could you possibly get any more stupid? silly question. of course you can & will even though it seems impossible to go lower in intelligence than you already are.

Only silly questions to a Marxist Russian propaganda agent like you, comrade Golfer.

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

no one gave anyone anything you dope. but you should have your assmouth sewed up for sure.

So you want the mouths' of your political opponents sown up?  Now I understand why you have no problem with the Taliban running Afghanistan. Not much difference between you and the Taliban is there?:dodgy:

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