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they both just beat the puppy on cam

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I won't watch this evil pair. Watching Nora eat soup (again!!!) is more interesting!!!

I would happily shoot the lazy pair of cunts. Filthy, dirty, lazy pair of good for nothings. She is actually worse because women are wired to be caring.

Fuck I am getting wound up again!! Karma!!! Deep breath!!

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You can see what kind of people [i wouldn't call them that] this couple is. they hardly ever shower,change their clothes AND they are real cruel and abusive to the puppy.i wonder if someone get's the pup away from there what is he going to take out his anger on... the apartment or her? Whale shit is on the bottom of the ocean and this couple is lower down than that.

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Guest asutaru

the best solution for something change in this appartment it's everybody cancell suscription.

me personaly,j have do that,j hate this guy but j like her,j don't think this couple stay long time here,j prefer see new couple for the future here

if that continue like that

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the best solution for something change in this appartment it's everybody cancell suscription.

me personaly,j have do that,j hate this guy but j like her,j don't think this couple stay long time here,j prefer see new couple for the future here

if that continue like that

i have cancelled mine, and it goes back to all free cams today.when they get rid of the dog beater's and all other boring couple's then i Might reconsider.

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ahora mismo ella esta jugando con el perro , un cachorro alegre con el rabo arriba , para nada miedo , veo el bote de la comida y el del agua en la cocina , esta noche el perro durmio en la cabeza de ella , ayer que yo contara lo sacaron a la calle como 4 o 5 veces , cada vez que hace pipi lo limpian , he visto bañar al perro mas veces que se bañan ellos ¿ DONDE ESTA EL MALTRATO ?

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This thread needs to be locked. It has gotten out of control with the unfounded accusations of abuse.

totalmente de acuerdo , creo que hay demasiado fanatismo , y unas acusaciones infundadas , el ahora mismo le acaba de dar una orden , rotunda , el perro a obedecido y lo han premiado con un trozo de galleta por hacerlo bien . no creo que mimar un perro y dejarlo hacer todo lo que quiera sea bueno , también creo que no es el tipo de perro para un piso . el motivo de tener un perro es que estén ocupados , si no estarían todo el día VEGETANDO como estefan , así se les dan unas obligaciones y un que hacer. lo que si se les nota es que el perro es una condición impuesta , no veo que les haga mucha ilusión tener un cachorro , eso si me lo parece , pero de malos tratos , cero% .

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Guest BurakYilmaz

You can see what kind of people [i wouldn't call them that] this couple is. they hardly ever shower,change their clothes AND they are real cruel and abusive to the puppy.i wonder if someone get's the pup away from there what is he going to take out his anger on... the apartment or her? Whale shit is on the bottom of the ocean and this couple is lower down than that.

Are you sure Whale shit is on the bottom of the ocean? Doesn't it float?

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