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they both just beat the puppy on cam

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Guest BurakYilmaz

the best solution for something change in this appartment it's everybody cancell suscription.

me personaly,j have do that,j hate this guy but j like her,j don't think this couple stay long time here,j prefer see new couple for the future here

if that continue like that

It seems like every guy in every couple is hated and every girl in every couple who isn't fat is loved

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I sent RLC a pic of him standing on the corner of the couch and not letting him leave and in about 15 minutes he got a call from someone. sounded like he was making excuses. and walked outside while still on the phone. but sense he came back he hasn't touched the puppy/ but you can see the hate in his eyes every time he gets up and moves and sees the puppy.  I hate the guy and don't even know him. and she seems to scared of him to say anything. she might be a good person if she got away from him

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I would say we let the couple as it is. RLC has already something in mind in order to let in the house. Indeed many have been canceled because thus rlc has repeatedly invented something new. My contract also goes to the end, and I'm not going to renew. If only Provit fo rlc because if you count together is only a few alina activ. All other can be forgotten. Rlc must think of something to go away All the more times. Exchange couples the only cure is if it is not such as are these two

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Guest asutaru

this guy is completly crazy,too nervous with the puppy,pls rlc kik this guy,j don't want see him on rlc

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Every time I turn on to Katya and Rusian apartment he is threatening the dog, cornering it and standing over it shouting and getting ready to hit it. Meanwhile the stupid pathetic girl is sitting in the same stinking clothes staring at her phone.

What can the dog be doing that makes the fucking prick constantly attack the dog. Something has to be done soon. 

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Guest asutaru

yes,stop this couple before this guy going more crazy,j have send email for stop that and see new couple in this appartment.

too hard for watching in this condition.

it's time for put this appartment offline and kik this guy,j'm sad for her.

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You can see what kind of people [i wouldn't call them that] this couple is. they hardly ever shower,change their clothes AND they are real cruel and abusive to the puppy.i wonder if someone get's the pup away from there what is he going to take out his anger on... the apartment or her? Whale shit is on the bottom of the ocean and this couple is lower down than that.

Are you sure Whale shit is on the bottom of the ocean? Doesn't it float?

i have never really looked to see but was just an example of how low these...uh...whatever you call this couple are.

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This thread needs to be locked. It has gotten out of control with the unfounded accusations of abuse.

I have yet to see ANY video evidence that support these accusations, period.

I have seen plenty of evidence that CC folks jump to conclusions whenever a new couple arrives.

Until I see some evidence that would support the accusations in a court of English Common Law (forget Roman, Tribal, and Sharia law), I will support tripod2's assertion.

If you have witnessed it, capture and post it. Thank you and have a nice day.


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Every time I turn on to Katya and Rusian apartment he is threatening the dog, cornering it and standing over it shouting and getting ready to hit it. Meanwhile the stupid pathetic girl is sitting in the same stinking clothes staring at her phone.

What can the dog be doing that makes the fucking prick constantly attack the dog. Something has to be done soon.

OK, how come everyone is yodeling about him hitting the dog, but we haven't had a single picture or vid to prove it actually happened. Because in all the times that I looked in on them, I haven't seen a single act of violence toward the dog. What I do see, is one of them is always playing fetch or tug of war with the dog. Sometimes they "play chase" it around the house. This afternoon around noon, he played fetch with it, they ran around and then he put a water bowl in the corner and had to make the dog drink it because they had to give it some kind of pill with the water. Nobody was keeping it in the corner. The dog drank and left the kitchen.  Besides, the dog is always running around happy. Don't you think that if the dog was getting daily beatings, it would walk around depressed all the time? Or just sit in the corner somewhere?

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