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US General Domestic Politics #31 Begins 08/27/21.

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6 hours ago, Nicholas said:

       In this response, I'll just use one of your usual deflection maneuvers when you can't think of anything to say in response to someone elses comments so you have to resort to picking from a collection of childish immature gifs to come up with a response instead, only this response will be done with a simplistic emoji instead, and so this happens to be right back at you there little propagandist. 🖕

  • Dein Dummkopf-Gerede ist nur widerlich. Gehe zum Logopäden um richtig sprechen zu lernen - und zum Psychotherapeuten um sinnvoll, kurz und knapp zu formulieren. Deine dummen verbalen Endlos-Schleifen zeigen deutlich das DU behindert bist. Behinderte, ok. Aber sei als Behinderter nicht überheblich und verteile hier nur verbale Scheisse. Damit zeigst Du das Du nur ein elender dummer kranker "Propagandist" bist. Ein Stück Scheiße wie Dein Lehrer von Trump.
  • Zur Hölle mit Trump-Idioten.
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a man and a woman taking a selfie: A man with a fear of needles covers his eyes while receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. Dunning says a fear of needles is common -- about one in 10 people will have an anxiety reaction in a doctor's office. Genaro Molina/Getty

© Provided by CNET A man with a fear of needles covers his eyes while receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. Dunning says a fear of needles is common -- about one in 10 people will have an anxiety reaction in a doctor's office. Genaro Molina/Getty

I thought this really hilarious and ridiculous at the same time.

Fear of needles???????????---what the fuck does he think injects all that dye in his body???

Typically, the tattoo artist uses a hand-held machine that acts much like a sewing machine, with one or more needles piercing the skin repeatedly. With every puncture, the needles insert tiny ink droplets. The process — which is done without anesthetics — causes a small amount of bleeding and slight to potentially significant pain.

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4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Another distortion of facts by a left wing propaganda blog. The GOP want to impeach Biden not for ending the Afghanistan War, but for a totally botched and chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost the lives of 13 U.S. Military Service people and almost 200 Afghan civilians, and for leaving American citizens and Afghan allies stranded in Afghanistan left to the mercy of the Taliban.


Biden seine Leistung ist nicht die Ausführung von Ass Trump-Verhandlungen zur Kapitulation der USA nach 20 Jahre dauernden erfolglosen Afghanistan-Krieg.

Biden seine Leistung ist vorrangig die schnelle Annullierung von boshaften, dummen, verbrecherischen Trump-Dekreten von einem Idioten. Biden hat die von Dummy-Trump verursachte weltweite Isolation der USA wieder aufgehoben. Die USA sind wieder integrierter Partner in der Welt, nachdem das Arschloch von Trump die USA an den Abgrund der Bedeutungslosigkeit geführt hat.

Afghanistan ist doch nur Neben-Kriegsschauplatz der US-Politik.. Biden macht alles richtig. Als Nachfolger von ASS Trump ist es nicht einfach die USA den Makel der internationalen Lachnummer zu nehmen. Das kann noch Jahre dauern bis die USA wieder anerkannt werden- und nicht international als Idioten verspottet werden. Arme USA.

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12 hours ago, Nicholas said:

      Once again it is clear that lying assholes like you can't stand anyone pointing out anything that is rooted in truth or facts that shows the incompetence and ignorance of those that you propagandists constantly try to cover for and make excuses for as well as even by lying for you mentally disurbed propagandist.

You're the stupidest, most ignorant Motherfucker on this thread.....Even stupider than Ridge.  That's really hard to do.

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12 hours ago, Nicholas said:

        I'm not someone who visits these threads of this site to either continuously peddle that which is mostly opinionated propaganda and not rooted in any facts or truth or just flat out lie like you do propagandist. I'm just someone who has been here calling you out for your propagandist bullshit and lies. It's worthless asses like you that this country is in the condition it is in and definitely headed in a wrong direction which is downward and I'll be damned if I'll stand by and not call out bullshit when I notice it. If you don't like that, that's too bad.

You peddle BULLSHIT.  It fucking stinks.

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11 hours ago, Nicholas said:

       Contrary to what your mentally disurbed state of mind may believe, everyone else is not ignorant or gullible enough to believe much at all that comes from the likes of you there little mentally disturbed propagandist.

Where the fuck did you go to school?  It didn't work.

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10 hours ago, Nicholas said:


      I see once again my comments inspired a response from you. So obviously your comments above are merely more lies in a very long list of lies you are known of telling for as long as you've been doing so in these threads. Unfortunately for you and any others who believe in your dishonesty and nonsense, there are others who see through your false narrative and string of continuous lies there little propagandist.

Stop telling us and start showing us what we're "lying" about.  You're just a bag of bullshit with nothing constructive to offer, ever.

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9 hours ago, Nicholas said:

        🙄 ☝️ This is what often occurs after a wacko propagandist has been responded to in kind to a response of some ridiculous comments that he made and he can't think of what to say so he has to resort to picking something from his collection of childish immature gifs to use as a response instead. 🤣

Nick.....Pull your head out of your ass.


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9 hours ago, golfer06 said:

COVID-19 vaccination rates rose in August after dipping down earlier in the summer. But anti-vaxxers remain a danger not just to themselves but to everyone around them. We see the danger to individual...


And they call us the Fascists.  SMFH.  The irony.

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