Nicholas Posted September 2, 2021 Posted September 2, 2021 54 minutes ago, O_U812 said: The funny part is that you don't reveal one fucking thing. You just throw out piles of shit and say you told us. You're an idiot, a moron, a wart. Obviously I reveal what you propagandists can't stand...and that is truth and facts as well as what your kind are and are all about there little propagandist. So return and whine some more because the revealing will not cease no time soon.
Barni Posted September 2, 2021 Posted September 2, 2021 17 minutes ago, Nicholas said: 😂 .. 🤣 .. ☝️ .. 🤣 .. 👉 Nick 😪 .. 😥 .. 😢 .. 😭 .. 👉 Ein kommunistischer/marxistischer Propagandist aus Deutschland, der sich auf dieser Seite als StarLight28 ausgibt. 28 is his year of birth
StarLight28 Posted September 2, 2021 Posted September 2, 2021 8 minutes ago, Nicholas said: 😂..🤣..☝️..🤣..👉 Nick 😪..😥..😢..😭..👉 A communist/marxist propagandist kraut who masquerades on this site as StarLight28. Falsch ! Ein widerliches kleines dummes Arschloch das hier anonym surft ohne eine Spur seiner Identität zu sagen versprüht hier im Forum Gift und nennt sich Nikolaus. Verpiss Dich Du "kleine propagandistische" Drecksau und gehe zurück in den fetten, dreckigen Arsch von Ridg und der Sau von Trump - Du kleine 15 jährige widerliche Ratte. Du dummes "propagandistisches" Stück Scheisse. Die Taliban lesen hier mit und verfolgen Dich, Du elender kleiner Feigling. Du Schwachkopf, ich erwarte Deinen Tod mit Freude. 😁 1
StarLight28 Posted September 2, 2021 Posted September 2, 2021 5 minutes ago, Barni said: 28 is his year of birth Und Du bist 14, wie das kleine dumme Arschloch von Nikolaus ?? 😁 1
Nicholas Posted September 2, 2021 Posted September 2, 2021 16 minutes ago, Barni said: 28 is his year of birth I'm not surprised. I figured as much when I alluded to the possibility multiple times of him being indoctrinated as a substantial part of his education from remaining influence that occurred from the nearly 50 year occupation and control of east Germany by the communists/marxists of the former USSR. He tries to be clever and make others think otherwise, but I've been around long enough to recognize it and know better.
Barni Posted September 2, 2021 Posted September 2, 2021 2 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Und Du bist 14, wie das kleine dumme Arschloch von Nikolaus ?? 😁 Du bist ein typischer Deutscher....grosse Klappe und nichts dahinter!!! 1
Nicholas Posted September 2, 2021 Posted September 2, 2021 30 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Not correct ! A disgusting little stupid asshole who surfs anonymously here without saying a trace of his identity sprays poison here in the forum and calls himself Nikolaus . Piss off you "little propagandistic" bastard and go back into the fat, dirty ass of Ridg and the sow of Trump - you little 15 year old disgusting rat. You stupid "propagandistic" piece of shit. The Taliban are reading along here and are persecuting you, you wretched little coward. You idiot, I await your death with joy. 😁 🤣..☝️..🤣 Yet another display of the communist/marxist indoctrinated propagandist who masquerades on this site as StarLight28. Judging by his choice of words and phrases, I wouldn't be surprised if his actual age was more along the lines of 18 to 20 if that old. Whatever his age may be, it's obvious that his mind must be that of a 12 to 14 year old. Other than him obviously being a communist/marxist indoctrinated propagandist, his choice of words and phrases for some of his comments is somewhat humorous at times and seems to apparently reveal otherwise for someone who has seemed to put an emphasis on claiming to be so educated at times. 🤣
StarLight28 Posted September 2, 2021 Posted September 2, 2021 8 minutes ago, Barni said: Du bist ein typischer Deutscher....grosse Klappe und nichts dahinter!!! Wie begründest Du diese Aussage ? Ohne Deutschland und seine Flügplätze wäre die USA völlig hilflos. 5.000 Hilfskräfte der USA aus Afghanistan parke noch immer in Ramstein. Die Angsthasen von USA scheißen sich in die Hose diese Leute in die USA zu bringen, sie haben Angst vor illegalen Terroristen. Nicht Deutsche haben eine große Klappe, sondern winselnde ängstliche Amerikaner. 1
Ridgerunner Posted September 2, 2021 Posted September 2, 2021 1 hour ago, O_U812 said: That's a lie and you fucking know it. They stayed by choice. Biden said he will get them out if they want out. You're bending everything to fit your agenda. Sorry, but the American people don't believe the lies spouted by you and Joe Biden. The truth is that Joe Biden abandoned Americans in Afghanistan. Biden will be remembered in American and world history as the man who abandoned American citizens and American allies to the Taliban.
StarLight28 Posted September 2, 2021 Posted September 2, 2021 4 minutes ago, Nicholas said: 🤣..☝️..🤣 Yet another display of the communist/marxist indoctrinated propagandist who masquerades on this site as StarLight28. Judging by his choice of words and phrases, I wouldn't be surprised if his actual age was more along the lines of 18 to 20 if that old. Whatever his age may be, it's obvious that his mind must be that of a 12 to 14 year old. His choice of words and phrases for some of his comments is somewhat humorous at times. 🤣 Viele Worte. Dummheiten ohne Substanz und Inhalt. Es lohnt nicht mit einem kleinen dummen Arschloch zu kommunizieren - fertig. Lese meine Aussagen der vergangenen 2 Jahre nach, falls Du bereits lesen kannst. Dann würdest Du nicht so einen Dreck schreiben. 1
Nicholas Posted September 2, 2021 Posted September 2, 2021 19 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Wie begründest Du diese Aussage ? Ohne Deutschland und seine Flügplätze wäre die USA völlig hilflos. 5.000 Hilfskräfte der USA aus Afghanistan parke noch immer in Ramstein. Die Angsthasen von USA scheißen sich in die Hose diese Leute in die USA zu bringen, sie haben Angst vor illegalen Terroristen. Nicht Deutsche haben eine große Klappe, sondern winselnde ängstliche Amerikaner. It has been more than obvious that you are only a little insignificant communist/marxist indoctrinated propagandist kraut who whines when anyone else speaks up and calls you out for what you are and what you do. Now go sob and whine some more and try to think of something that might justify part of your miserable existence and return here to try to do so with more of your propagandist b.s.
StarLight28 Posted September 2, 2021 Posted September 2, 2021 3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Sorry, but the American people don't believe the lies spouted by you and Joe Biden. The truth is that Joe Biden abandoned Americans in Afghanistan. Biden will be remembered in American and world history as the man who abandoned American citizens and American allies to the Taliban. Dummes Gerede. Lege Belege vor. In einem TV-Bericht wurde gezeigt das viele Menschen aus Deutschland und USA und .... ganz bewusst in Afghanistan bleiben um ihre Arbeit fortzuführen. Es sind nicht ALLE ängstliche Scheisser die aus dem Land fliehen wie feige afghanische und US-Soldaten. 1
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