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Guest asutaru

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Guest asutaru

what she have doing in the toilet?

she have go alone in the toilet just after the guy leave the appartment and j have see  alot of move with the shadow with the camera 5.

it's sure it's not for pee,j have hear some little cry,j'm sure she was masturbate alone in the toilet.

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Guest toblerone

what she have doing in the toilet?

she have go alone in the toilet and j have see  alot of move with the shadow with the camera 5.

it's sure it's not for pee,j have hear some little cry,j'm sure she was masturbate alone in the toilet.

Ahahah I was wondering the same! What the hell she was doing all that time... However, I suspect she was just on the phone as she does often and I couldn't hear really much anyway using cam 10 for audio... but you never know... lol

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estaba ella sola , el salio a la calle , tenia una crema en la mano , yo pense que estaba limpiando el inodoro pero luego pienso que estaba poniendose crema , quizas crema intima , o exfolian te o algun medicamento , ella esta mañana aun llevaba un salva slip  puesto por las perdidas de la menstruación , quizas todabia esta en esos dias , recordemos que tenia muchos dolores y a muchas mujeres les dura el periodo 5 o 6 dias .

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Guest asutaru

j don't think she was on the phone,she have move a lot and many strange move like up and down.

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Guest toblerone

mas logico si , es verdad ¿ lo llevaba en la mano ? yo vi un bote de crema

True she took it... Funny is that he came in the toilet talked to her and off he went... He doesn't seem too interested at the moment... It's not the first time she tries it. Once in bed she did try but the bloody dog jumped in at the wrong moment and she stopped...

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cuando le froto la espalda no toco nada , se limito a frotar , cualquier persona normal de 20 y pocos años en esa situacion aunque había camaras , hubiera tocado , vamos yo seguro que toco aunque este mi suegra delante , no se an dado ni un beso solo picos no se ve una actitud de deseo , esperemos solo queda eso .

PD: me reafirmo en mi opcion de la crema depilatoria , creo que estaba poniendose crema depilatoria , ella en la ducha no se rasuro el pubis y ahora estaba mirandose las axilas en el sofa del comedor .

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Guest toblerone

cuando le froto la espalda no toco nada , se limito a frotar , cualquier persona normal de 20 y pocos años en esa situacion aunque había camaras , hubiera tocado , vamos yo seguro que toco aunque este mi suegra delante , no se an dado ni un beso solo picos no se ve una actitud de deseo , esperemos solo queda eso .

PD: me reafirmo en mi opcion de la crema depilatoria , creo que estaba poniendose crema depilatoria , ella en la ducha no se rasuro el pubis y ahora estaba mirandose las axilas en el sofa del comedor .

I see, it makes sense, yes...

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what she have doing in the toilet?

she have go alone in the toilet just after the guy leave the appartment and j have see  alot of move with the shadow with the camera 5.

it's sure it's not for pee,j have hear some little cry,j'm sure she was masturbate alone in the toilet.

and you Guys pay and watch the shadow , wtf what's wrong with you guys don't have nothing better to do get a life go walk AKIA , LMAO to pick on you losers 

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and you Guys pay and watch the shadow , wtf what's wrong with you guys don't have nothing better to do get a life go walk AKIA , LMAO to pick on you losers

You do realize, good sir, that Foamy is soon to be released from jail, and that he has applied for Squirrel's old job? Watch what you say: that Foamy creature just might be hired, and his squirrely wrath is extreme.

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