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B2 - General Topic 2021 #24 (September / October)

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25 minutes ago, jetlag8 said:

If that is the case I see no reason why they could not move Radi back there as well.

Maybe RLC believes that Radi in the villa is “ better for business “ .. in my opinion, with the right tenants and flexibility , Radi can easily become the top star in Barcelona .. she is “ the Barcelona Leora “ , although she is building slowly an increasing dedicated fan base .. but .. her big advantage ( exactly like Gina ) is that she is a permanent Barcelona resident and this can prove very beneficial for RLC as it proved with Gina .. as I have said , she’s the one that threatens Gina’s all time record of GOV staying , a record that Gina holds and I call her “ GOV Queen “ 😎

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52 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Maybe RLC believes that Radi in the villa is “ better for business “ .. in my opinion, with the right tenants and flexibility , Radi can easily become the top star in Barcelona .. she is “ the Barcelona Leora “ , although she is building slowly an increasing dedicated fan base .. but .. her big advantage ( exactly like Gina ) is that she is a permanent Barcelona resident and this can prove very beneficial for RLC as it proved with Gina .. as I have said , she’s the one that threatens Gina’s all time record of GOV staying , a record that Gina holds and I call her “ GOV Queen “ 😎

I agree that RLC likely thinks having Radi at the villa is good for business, but I don't think Radi is happy there, and I don't think she is a good fit with the people that live there, she also does not like the location of the villa and Radi does look much happier when she is in B2 than at the villa. It's just my opinion but I don't think Radi will stay at the villa long term.

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Pour ma part, je ne suis pas si sûr, on ne peut pas dire que Mila, qui passe le plus clair de son temps retirée dans sa chambre pour dormir, ait été de bonne compagnie pour Radi le dernier jour au B2. J'ai l'impression que Radi s'est mieux amusée hier au B4 dans le jardin, et le rangement qu'elle a fait aujourd'hui dans sa chambre au B4 semble le confirmer.

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