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Leora - Home Activities #61

pulo filipe

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1 hour ago, pulo filipe said:

great love Paul ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 

Always present 

She just keeps on playing with him 😂🤣 the phonecall to distract both herself ( from her thoughts ) and the viewers ( by letting everyone believe that there’s always “ big love Paul “ 😂🤣 ) and in the end continuing her “ pointless “ life .. brokk said that she doesn’t know what she wants , the question is if she overalls knows what she really wants with her life .. 


Is it to move in Prague and live happily ever after with a whatever life there ? Is it to move in Prague and become “ Masha No.2 “ ? ( meaning that she gets the citizenship like Masha and so on and not her way of life because obviously they are different characters ) and somewhere down the way bring Paul and live with him ? Is it to work for as long as she can with RLC so as to make the most money possible and return with it in Russia and restart a life there ? I don’t know that even Leora has any answers .. she just has a life , doing whatever is important so as to stay in Prague and in my very humble opinion , a complete disorientated life without purpose .. just get the money, live the luxury life for as long as she can ( totally understandable and something i applause ) but … nobody is young forever .. and the good future after a certain age comes with the  choices or decisions we do when we are younger .. usually in life most of us have friends , family , people who care , best buddies to be next to us , kind of supporting us and advising us for what better to do is … does anyone here believe that Leora has any person like that in her life ? Because , to me , she looks a lonely , isolated and “ lost “ person … 


Well , that’s why the parallelisms the last months with Radislava over in B4 😏😏🤓

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