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Leora - Home Activities #64

pulo filipe

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4 hours ago, ddhm said:



Anyway , I am at times and I admit , more strict of the way I post a comment here concerning Leora but look how I analyze my frustration of this particular apartment . Imagine if all of the apartments had the way of life exactly how Leora has chosen . Do you honestly believe that RLC would have made it to last 10 years ? Imagine the rest 10 apartments that the tenants led an isolated and lonely - inside the apartment - life like she does . What would be the meaning to tune in and watch a different tenant at a different apartment simply be back from any outside social activities only to be naked and masturbate whenever this tenant feels so ? ( that Leora usually does at prime time - european - schedule ) .





Whilst I can empathise with some of what you are stating, it is after all a personal view and as such should be accepted as such.

The difference being about me being a critic of Leora is perhaps that I only watch Leora. No Leora no RLC !! Purely and simply my choice and it always has been. It matters not whether she is alone, with Paul, Malia or whoever as long as she is part of it I will watch....I might not though always be happy with what happens during those times with the different scenarios but again that is a personal choice, and because after watching her for several years I like many others am fully aware of her capabilities, and naturally sometimes get a little pissed off when she sometimes in my opinion "underperforms " by the very high standards she has set in the past. 

I don't demand she does things, although I might sometimes state that I would like to see her do certain things such as dancing etc that I know is within her capabilities...If she does them I am more than happy, if she chooses not to then so be it, and if the time comes when she consistently falls below what I would think reasonable in my expectations then I will cease my membership of RLC.

Her being alone in the apartment is her choice and should be accepted, just as her choice of whether to invite guests back or not. If she wanted to invite Denis or anyone else back then so be it if she enjoys it, and if not then I am indifferent

What I wouldn't like to see is her have a different guy in the apartment every week just to keep up viewing numbers, it's not who she is or what she is about......RLC know and understand this and must be OK with it.

All the time she is on here I will continue to applaud and support her when she deserves it, and likewise honestly criticise her if she doesn't......Solely from a personal point of view, and I never expect other people to agree or disagree, that again is thier choice which I respect.

Bring back the Brazilian !🙃



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38 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Whilst I can empathise with some of what you are stating, it is after all a personal view and as such should be accepted as such.

The difference being about me being a critic of Leora is perhaps that I only watch Leora. No Leora no RLC !! Purely and simply my choice and it always has been. It matters not whether she is alone, with Paul, Malia or whoever as long as she is part of it I will watch....I might not though always be happy with what happens during those times with the different scenarios but again that is a personal choice, and because after watching her for several years I like many others am fully aware of her capabilities, and naturally sometimes get a little pissed off when she sometimes in my opinion "underperforms " by the very high standards she has set in the past. 

I don't demand she does things, although I might sometimes state that I would like to see her do certain things such as dancing etc that I know is within her capabilities...If she does them I am more than happy, if she chooses not to then so be it, and if the time comes when she consistently falls below what I would think reasonable in my expectations then I will cease my membership of RLC.

Her being alone in the apartment is her choice and should be accepted, just as her choice of whether to invite guests back or not. If she wanted to invite Denis or anyone else back then so be it if she enjoys it, and if not then I am indifferent

What I wouldn't like to see is her have a different guy in the apartment every week just to keep up viewing numbers, it's not who she is or what she is about......RLC know and understand this and must be OK with it.

All the time she is on here I will continue to applaud and support her when she deserves it, and likewise honestly criticise her if she doesn't......Solely from a personal point of view, and I never expect other people to agree or disagree, that again is thier choice which I respect.




I think we agree in the general idea and we have differences in some details that as you say , for everyone play a different but significant role of what he/she expects from a tenant and ultimately from RLC membership . 

I never said that I want Leora to bring everyday a different guy and have sex or a woman and play it bi , this is not how we know and being introduced to her through the years . To be honest , having watched her for years masturbating , it is totally indifferent for me watching her when she makes a calculated show but I will tune in like a “ hungry and not eaten for many days dog “ 😂 if I realize that she masturbates because she felt the need that all women have at times , then I will praise with all of my strength for something genuine and fantastic , unfortunately it doesn’t happen so often nowadays . 

But imagine now , how many friends she has met at the dance and language lessons that we are learning that she attends , the lies that she says to everyone when they ask her where she lives , with who she lives , the discussions amongst other people when they speak about her and the mysticism and secrecy  she has . Imagine knowing a person like Leora , you have developed a great  friendship , you have invited her dozen times at your place , you talk a lot of things as the friendship evolves , more private  subjects , I speak for normal life and socializing behaviors that all of us have in our lives .. how you would feel if you never got an answer at your repeated questions of what does she do for a living ? And where her house is ? Wouldn’t you discussing it with others in the company of how strange person she is , she will visit and overnight repeatedly at other people places but she has never invited any of you to rematch the favor .. in any case , I don’t know if what I just said is happening , but for me it is more than normal questioning these issues , I find it logical let’s say . 

Had I to choose between “one more masturbation from Leora “ or “ watch people visiting Leora’s place “ , the answer is obvious . I could then see FINALLY another part of Leora’s character , her spontaneous reactions to talks , face expressions talking some sexual staff perhaps with a visitor , exchanging thoughts and opinions in public concerning issues like Covid , vaccination , political talks perhaps for the situation in Prague , just normal friendly visits for a coffee or a tea and the chance to be introduced to Leora’s extended life in Prague who , as it has been repeatedly posted here , is very active with the socializing she does outside .. which is insane now that I am thinking about it on how she manages to be so lonely inside ( of course the cameras are her company ) and so many different things outside .


Let’s agree we disagree on that , each with his own arguments and reasons and let’s enjoy what we see , when we see it , the way that represents our taste ☺️😇

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il y a 19 minutes, jimbo4 a dit :

Whilst I can empathise with some of what you are stating, it is after all a personal view and as such should be accepted as such.

The difference being about me being a critic of Leora is perhaps that I only watch Leora. No Leora no RLC !! Purely and simply my choice and it always has been. It matters not whether she is alone, with Paul, Malia or whoever as long as she is part of it I will watch....I might not though always be happy with what happens during those times with the different scenarios but again that is a personal choice, and because after watching her for several years I like many others am fully aware of her capabilities, and naturally sometimes get a little pissed off when she sometimes in my opinion "underperforms " by the very high standards she has set in the past. 

I don't demand she does things, although I might sometimes state that I would like to see her do certain things such as dancing etc that I know is within her capabilities...If she does them I am more than happy, if she chooses not to then so be it, and if the time comes when she consistently falls below what I would think reasonable in my expectations then I will cease my membership of RLC.

Her being alone in the apartment is her choice and should be accepted, just as her choice of whether to invite guests back or not. If she wanted to invite Denis or anyone else back then so be it if she enjoys it, and if not then I am indifferent

What I wouldn't like to see is her have a different guy in the apartment every week just to keep up viewing numbers, it's not who she is or what she is about......RLC know and understand this and must be OK with it.

All the time she is on here I will continue to applaud and support her when she deserves it, and likewise honestly criticise her if she doesn't......Solely from a personal point of view, and I never expect other people to agree or disagree, that again is thier choice which I respect.




Hey it was not negative at all, good for you 😛

Like you don't watch the others except for the dogs and cats.

But unlike you I don't expect anything from Leora, I know sometimes there's "low action" but I'm enjoying so much what she chooses to share that I'm satisfied no matter what.

I only have met once such a natural beauty, she is 100% female (the way she walks, eats, or do nothing...) and I can't stop watching.

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