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B4 - General Topic 2021 #106 (October)

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Been watching Karol talking to im presuming her boyfriend for an hour then 
before she goes out has a couple of shots as if for dutch courage for meeting  someone. The other week she got glammed up and i swear she put a condom in her back pocket. Dont think she was going to asda . Im wondering if the boyfriend is the same one as 3 years ago?. Could she be cheating on him off camera? Big possibility.       



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1 minute ago, swordfish said:

Been watching Karol talking to im presuming her boyfriend for an hour then 
before she goes out has a couple of shots as if for dutch courage for meeting  someone. The other week she got glammed up and i swear she put a condom in her back pocket. Dont think she was going to asda . Im wondering if the boyfriend is the same one as 3 years ago?. Could she be cheating on him off camera? Big possibility.       



Or they have a open relationship.

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2 minutes ago, swordfish said:

Yep they must have because no guy in theyr right mind would let his girl live and mix with sluts like these not forgeting the predators. For months on end too.

And Karol is, in a polite way to say, a modern girl too.

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1 minute ago, thinga69 said:

And Karol is, in a polite way to say, a modern girl too.

Karol is the only girl that interests me on RLC the only reason i watch it now and ive been watching since it began Vivian was a big fav for me too glad she left tho .

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1 hour ago, swordfish said:

Oui, ils doivent l'avoir parce qu'aucun mec sain d'esprit ne laisserait sa fille vivre et se mélanger avec des salopes comme celles-ci sans oublier les prédateurs. Pendant des mois aussi.

And all those girls who dare to show their boobs in front of the cameras, and RLC who dare to put cameras in the bedrooms and ohh even the bathrooms. What decadance !!

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2 hours ago, piedpiper1968 said:

Nana não faz sexo porque nenhum cara poderia se igualar a seu orgasmo se masturbando. Ela é uma especialista nesse vibrador, com certeza. Você pode dizer que ela o usou muitas vezes antes de vir para Barcelona. 

Ela é principiante nisto. O que ela está usando é um sugador clitoriano à vácuo. Para ele funcionar bem, o local tem que estar bem lubrificado. Ela não usa lubrificante. Funciona mal este equipamento desta maneira. Quem sabia usar bem isto era a Ariana e a Holly. Poderia ser bem melhor seu orgasmo se usasse corretamente.

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