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Leora - Home Activities #68

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1 hour ago, blue is the colour said:

The spare tights are a replacement as the original pair will most likely get ripped off in a sexual frenzy by LB  🤣

Leora is materialistic, I doubt she gets her stockings torn so easily. 

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40 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Well.....Why only that one? Maybe it WAS him who bought it then! Could explain it, after all this time. Douche gave her the Koala. Yet what if she had already given it away, as she was planning to?.....Interesting. The LB bears are still in there too.....

I think Aussie will simply be happy just to see it! That will be a boost of spirits regardless.

Not seen a great deal of her this week, so this is pulling out the stops. Usual stuff - They'll eat, drink, TV, ignoring while on phone, bit of 'flirting', a quick flash for the cam, open her legs just out of shot....etc etc! And straight to the top of the thumbs! Same ole Same ole 😂

Unless they don't work again like last week and she's nowhere to be seen in the thumbs! 😄

That's what he's now there for, the three C's - Company, Cover, & Clickbait!! The new Malia. Don't be fooled. (LB had had his share already this week, unless he gets incredibly lucky for a third night!)

Always bear in mind, last time she got the toothbrush out he didn't arrive, and people were watching and waiting just like today. Don't put anything past this devious diva!!

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Tout est bizarre toute la semaine de l’après-midi elle sort et rentre souvent tard pour envoyer des textos, regarder sa tablette ou la télé une masturbation ou deux par semaine

Elle serait temps pour elle de quitter RLC la tête haute avant quelle dépérie et voie sa popularité baisser

Elle va rejoindre Paul son heure est venue je remarque que d’autre appartement de Barcelone le ménage commence avec des anciens

J’écris sur le coup de la colère je me demande si je ne vais pas résilier RLC si elle continue comme sa et pourtant je l’adore

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il y a 11 minutes, jimbo4 a dit :

Gardez toujours à l’esprit que la dernière fois qu’elle a sorti la brosse à dents, il n’est pas arrivé, et les gens regardaient et attendaient, comme aujourd’hui, ne mettez rien devant cette diva sournoise !!

Oui mais elle a préparé le canape dans la chambre de Malia elle a mis les affaires à repasser dans l’armoire encore une ruse pour nous faire parler

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2 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

Always bear in mind, last time she got the toothbrush out he didn't arrive, and people were watching and waiting just like today. Don't put anything past this devious diva!!

I will say, for that time, it was to me that plans changed, remember she was unwell and unhappy? Although he could have changed plans too, for all we know.

But - Do this deliberate? Shocker! She did talk about him though before when she spoke to Paul.

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27 minutes ago, patou said:

Everything is weird all week in the afternoon she goes out and comes home often late to text, watch her tablet or watch TV a masturbation or two a week

It would be time for her to leave RLC with her head held high before she wasted away and saw her popularity drop

She is going to join Paul when her time has come I notice that in other apartments in Barcelona the cleaning is starting with old people

I write on the spot of anger I wonder if I will not terminate RLC if it continues as its and yet I love it

There is no doubt that this week has been different, in fact for the last 10 days. LB is back but also she has the salon training etc - All of which means she HAS to go out to simply do all this.

So we saw her home for 4 weeks, now things have changed. In order to keep what she now holds close on the outside, she has to actually go outside, otherwise she could lose all that. But that means an empty apartment for hours, sometimes overnight. Can't have it both ways. It's either stay home, and sacrifice LB and the other things, or go out, and risk the wrath of the forum, subscribers....

Tricky situation now.....And i knew this would happen sooner rather than later. Balance - That's already wobbling.

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3 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

I will say, for that time, it was to me that plans changed, remember she was unwell and unhappy? Although he could have changed plans too, for all we know.

But - Do this deliberate? Shocker! She did talk about him though before.

He may well arrive, but don't put anything beyond this woman, if she can deceive people she likes imagine what she could do with us.  

She knows that conversations on the phone are listened to and translated as best as Google allows. Nothing to prevent her talking shit knowing we are listening is there?

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