komptreyes Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 When Rita's time with RLC is finished, I am going to miss watching her gargle in the kitchen for 2 minutes with salt water.
corboblanc Posted May 10, 2015 Posted May 10, 2015 I am curious as it goes on in this flat. Rita has withdrawn, Nora is superfluous, a substitute with Jenny has not still arrived. There comes the first summer. The girls will stay on the beach or in the balcony. Also the nights are enjoyed outside. I believe, it becomes even more a dead flat. :( What's even worse for me is that I'm bored with all the other apartments now too. Dasha's has been the best recently with that pretty blonde visitor who was always cheerful and actually enjoyed the thought of others watching her. But, she may be gone now (or very soon). I still visit the 3 standards - Leora, Alina and Maya apartments. But, not a lot because I think I've probably seen every scenario that will play out in those and it gets boring quickly. RLC really needs a new influx of interesting people and fast IMHO. :( I agree. RLC needs new tenants for most apartments. After you have watched the same people for two years or more it's just like watching the same old dull routine over and over like reruns on television. the only thing needed rlc is a new management team and a different vision of what a business !!!! ;)
bookmaster8 Posted May 10, 2015 Posted May 10, 2015 I am curious as it goes on in this flat. Rita has withdrawn, Nora is superfluous, a substitute with Jenny has not still arrived. There comes the first summer. The girls will stay on the beach or in the balcony. Also the nights are enjoyed outside. I believe, it becomes even more a dead flat. :( What's even worse for me is that I'm bored with all the other apartments now too. Dasha's has been the best recently with that pretty blonde visitor who was always cheerful and actually enjoyed the thought of others watching her. But, she may be gone now (or very soon). I still visit the 3 standards - Leora, Alina and Maya apartments. But, not a lot because I think I've probably seen every scenario that will play out in those and it gets boring quickly. RLC really needs a new influx of interesting people and fast IMHO. :( I agree. RLC needs new tenants for most apartments. After you have watched the same people for two years or more it's just like watching the same old dull routine over and over like reruns on television. the only thing needed rlc is a new management team and a different vision of what a business !!!! ;) Will I get banned if I click "Like" on your post? ;D :D
bookmaster8 Posted May 10, 2015 Posted May 10, 2015 Hubo una noche que prometía pero...se quedó en eso, promesas... (The mab.to link associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). Yomismo thank you for the video. I read somewhere on CC, that change the behavior Rita, 17 April. I just find that masturbation scene is April 17. Is it a coincidence? or simply, Kiko or Nora as they certainly know its origin, have posted the video on a sensitive site for Rita? Perhaps this is slander on my part. Es del 17 de abril pero no se había publicado, nadie la había publicado. Bookmaster, Rita ha salido con los mismos pantalones cortos vaqueros que utiliza para estar por el apartamento, es un poco sucio...me imagino que tendrá algún pantalon más para salir. Aunque se traigan poca ropa, por lo menos se habrá traido más de un pantalón para salir y que no se ponga para estar en el apartamento...tiene uno blanco precioso y otro oscuro también... [quote author=yomismo Ordinarily that would really gross me out, but I didn't see her do anything today that would have caused her to sweat. So, maybe it's ok. ;D Anyway, if she were going out with me, I could let it slide. I'd clean her up real good! ha! ha! ;D ;D ;D Sorry about messing up the quote. I don't know what happened. Please forgive.
bookmaster8 Posted May 10, 2015 Posted May 10, 2015 Alguno se la está follando bien agusto esta noche! I think you may be right. All day yesterday, it seemed Rita was smiling and laughing when talking on the phone, when reading text messages and sometimes just seemingly "out of the blue". So, I think there's a very good chance that she met some guy that she likes. Since she has been out all night, it's very possible that she spent the night with a new boyfriend (or whoever was making her so happy during the day). If so, I say good for her and maybe, just maybe if she is happier, we may get to see her be more "natural" in the apartment. It could turn out to be good news for us. Time will tell.
Guest Ange_Gardien Posted May 10, 2015 Posted May 10, 2015 yesterday, all Russia celebrated the seventieth anniversary of the victory against Nazism. there were music concerts everywhere in Moscow Volgagrade "Stallingrade" and St. Petersburg. Perhaps the Russian community organize a party in Barcelona. Anyway, that night, it was, Rita party .... OMG
LongDuckDong Posted May 10, 2015 Posted May 10, 2015 Nora wakes up and goes downstairs somewhere between 09:00 & 09:30am this morning and for some reason feels that something isn't right, I guess by her actions. She goes back upstairs and opens Rita's door to discover that Rita is not there. She then goes back downstairs with a puzzled look on her morning face, before going back upstairs to go into Rita's room once more where she apparently was looking for some kind of clue as to where Rita was. So it looks like to me that Nora appears to show some sign of worry. That tells me that Nora and Rita are not talking at all to each other or else Rita would have told her she was going to be out all night or at least sent her a text message stating that she was going to be out all night whenever she discovered she was. What do you guys think?
Guest DavidandChloe Posted May 10, 2015 Posted May 10, 2015 I am sorry everyone has the right to enjoy RLC for what ever reasons the have. Long Duck I added a half ass disclaimer at the very end. "Did not mean for my opinion to be taken as personal. Just a wide open statement which may or may not be relative to anyone reading it" It's just an opinion or observation of some of the things that have been written about Rita. Again it is not fair or justified for me to imply any thing about any one posting here since I do not know anyone personally and I am sorry if you or anyone was offended by that. I was though, being silly and not really that serious about my words. I honestly don't think anyone here is mentally ill. As for myself I have a schizoid affective personality.....I do. I suppose to explain that would be I am a borderline schizophrenic. I take psychotropic drugs for my condition. Sometimes I need Dilaudid or phenobarbital to mellow me out. "Dropping" that orange barrel sunshine my mom had leftover from the late 1960's may or may not have affected my current mental state. The odd dudes will know what that stuff is. Yes Rita WAS sunbathing nude on the balcony and she DID go to the beach all afternoon and shopping too. Why she doesn't show her boobies anymore is really a mystery. However I don't care about her boobs I am looking for hard things standing erect if you know what I mean. Do not send me boner pictures please.
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