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Leora - Home Activities #74

pulo filipe

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8 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

If I were a gambling man I would wager on the problem being something to do with Eva !!

And I would undoubtedly have lost my money, that’s why I am not a gambler.

It doesn’t appear to be anything involving Eva, but possibly a combination of events including her fathers health that was responsible for yesterday’s meltdown.

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il y a 19 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Je ne suis pas sûr, je pense que c’est Paul comme elle a mentionné son père il y a quelques minutes, mais dans un sens « Lui », pas « Vous ». Mais c’est déroutant par ce que j’ai vu jusqu’à présent.

Elle a parlé à Paul plus tôt.

Vers 10 heures à 18 heures ce matin, quelqu’un lui envoyait un texto et la faisait sourire, en ce moment, je pense que LB a joué un rôle dans tout cela hier, et ce peu au moins a été réglé tard hier soir.

Bonjour Guyquad

Je ne comprends pas ce que tu veux dire elle en après Paul ils sont disputés ? ou après loverboy je ne comprends plus rien

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27 minutes ago, ddhm said:

I made a list of reasons yesterday  …

     All of which explains to me that a certain tour guide must think that in his amassed personal experiences. That he has gathered at his young age, have the answer for everyone's, and the RLC tenants, including Leora's, life's complex situations. Regardless of the varied geographical, and domestic childhood influences, that are different with each individual. That form the basis of human emotions, and logic, that decides how each individual will respond to the factors, that they are confronted with, on a sometimes, minute to minute, hour to hour, and day by day, or longer basis !

    In my opinion, there is more concern for embellishing his own persona. Than there is for any of the tenants, including Leora. 

   Kind of like a used car salesman's spiel !!  I presume that your tour group is waiting for your next prerecorded dissertation !   😏

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57 minutes ago, patou said:

Hello Guyquad

I don't understand what you mean by her after Paul they're arguing? or after loverboy I don't understand anything anymore

She wasn't arguing with anyone i don't think, she was upset about things and was letting it out last night, so was sad rather than angry. That's what she will have been doing i think last night. We still don't know all the details and probably won't but i think it has been more than one thing in the last few days, LB being one, and it all got to her. But today she is better and it seems yesterday was just showing she is human and as vulnerable as anyone.

Thanks RDKing - You just can't stop stalking me can you?

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10 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

She wasn't arguing with anyone i don't think, she was upset about things and was letting it out last night, so was sad rather than angry. That's what she will have been doing i think last night. We still don't know all the details and probably won't but i think it has been more than one thing in the last few days, LB being one, and it all got to her. But today she is better and it seems yesterday was just showing she is human and as vulnerable as anyone.

 i dont know, was she very sad and crying cuz of eva?

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