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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (August 2016) #1


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30 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

When I need to sleep,,I come and visit this apt,,and after the first 5 mins of trying to figure out where everyone is hiding,,I fall right asleep,,,thanks ladies,,best sleeping medicine I ever had,,,,,RLC so far this is a "FAILED APT",,listen to your viewers,,,and yes it's not only about lesbian sex,masturbation or nudity,,but these girls are simply boring and not entertaining at all,,they have as much a personality as a can of paint,,no disrespect to paint cans worldwide lmaoo!!!:biggrin::biggrin:


Your comments about this apartment surprise me Mike. Are you becoming one of the complainers?  And I thought you were all about the hot women. Guess I was wrong.

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1 minute ago, DES7469 said:

Your comments about this apartment surprise me Mike. Are you becoming one of the complainers?  And I thought you were all about the hot women. Guess I was wrong.

Seriously Des?

Not complaining,,stating the facts,,,unlike others,,,they complain because they hate the women,,I love them,,but Boring is boring,,and the deliberate hiding in the bathroom and in the bedroom is just wrong.

And It can't be about the hot women if I can't even see them 90% of the time,,surely you can't be blind to what is going on,,,,I thought you had more sense than that,,But I guess I was wrong.

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i'm not part of the complainers but what is wrong with the girl's being normal yes I know there are boring but why watch this apartment when there is other apartment so they hide from the cameras but this tell's me there why to shy to be models..so why are they here any ways???:huh: 

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8 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Seriously Des?

Not complaining,,stating the facts,,,unlike others,,,they complain because they hate the women,,I love them,,but Boring is boring,,and the deliberate hiding in the bathroom and in the bedroom is just wrong.

And It can't be about the hot women if I can't even see them 90% of the time,,surely you can't be blind to what is going on,,,,I thought you had more sense than that,,But I guess I was wrong.

I don't find it any more boring than K&K have been. And they've been around longer. What Kristy did last night doesn't change it unless it continues. Just not use to you making these kind of comments. And I'll leave a certain lady I could compare out of it.

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4 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

I don't find it any more boring than K&K have been. And they've been around longer. What Kristy did last night doesn't change it unless it continues. Just not use to you making these kind of comments. And I'll leave a certain lady I could compare out of it.

You need to calm your ass down Des,,,,,I said what I said,,it was my opinion,,,,I don't come on here day after day complaining and bitching about these apartments,,I make my comments and move along,,no sense in repeating myself daily about the same shit like Ze81 and harley love to do,,,these ladies are Boring to "ME",,,I said it yesterday that only Rita can do nothing and still entertain me,,nobody else gets away with doing it,,Rita might be boring to other people but i like her the way she is,,,,people might like these ladies as they are,,but not me,,,,I don't dog these women out or call them names like most complainers do on here everyday,,I was the first person to say how cute and sexy Amy is,,and how sexy meagan's body looks,,,and even though I don't care about Lola that much,,I said she has a really sexy ass.

Now I made my point as to my observations about this apt since it opened up,,,these ladies are very beautiful,,but to me and others on CC they are boring to watch,,,and when I see Amy and Meagan trying their best to hide from us,,I made my opinion known,,

I don't know what about what I said about them to hurt your feelings but you got to relax,,,and stop trying to escalate this convo any further,,,,I see you say a ton of stuff that I don't agree with,,,but i don't come after you and say that,,,,My opinion about you as a person changed because of any of your past comments that I don't agree with.

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13 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

Your comments about this apartment surprise me Mike. Are you becoming one of the complainers?  And I thought you were all about the hot women. Guess I was wrong.

Why? ... Maybe, Euromike69 and Thestarider just playing "Trolls". ... It could be related to this post ... 

On 12.8.2016 at 4:05 AM, euromike69 said:

... I promised Foamy that I'll try to ba a littte nicer to folks around here,,,although they really don't make it easy for me to do so,,,anyway,,it's been 3 days sober(friction Free) and counting,,let's see how long it last ...

... I do not know. ... It is a bit strange for sure ... but nothing to worry  about ... :biggrin: ... I even kind of like it, because the next time one of this guys call me something ... i will just refer to this thread. 

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7 minutes ago, MrBox said:

Why? ... Maybe, Euromike69 and Thestarider just playing "Trolls". ... It could be related to this post ... 

... I do not know. ... It is a bit strange for sure ... but nothing to worry  about ... :biggrin: ... I even kind of like it, because the next time one of this guys call me something ... i will just refer to this thread. 

just when I was starting to like you again Box you bring my name up for no reason WHY ???

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2 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

just when I was starting to like you again Box you bring my name up for no reason WHY ???

I tell you,,,we are his entire reason for existing on this thread and in this world,,without us he would wither away and die,,he's like a lost puppy looking for a home,,or like an orphan looking for a home and a loving family,,,,he needs our love and attention,,,So let's gather around and give that lonely old man a hug and sing kumbaya crying-with-laughter.gif

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Just now, Thestarider said:

just when I was starting to like you again Box you bring my name up for no reason WHY ???

I kind of like your new kind of openness ... and seek no quarrel. 

... Is was just a thought that has gone through my head ... because your remarks about the girls fit not good with the past ... nothing to worry about ... just continue ... everything okay with me. 

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 Here is my deal with Megan and Amy, they are not old enough to go to the clubs yet, and they are far to immature for being pit in the situations they are experiencing now with the cameras staring at them 24/7.

They both do not have the self esteem or confidence it takes to be a successful; participant on RLC. They got themselves into something that are both simply not grown up enough to handle mentally. 

That is why I think they should be sent home, and new more experienced girls be brought in to replace them, not because I don't think they cute, they are both very beautiful young ladies. or as some would suggest, because they hide or don't like to be nude or whatever.

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