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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Oct. 2016) #2


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Authentic X-Files ... Many strange things as you say, many cameras that stop at the right time ... or stop working for two days, rather, two nights ... I do not want to ignore ... monitor the girls, not to what extent, do not monitor the ip's It seems strange, but one that only sees the florante of the iceberg ... if you slip, just a little, you asomras of things not seen.

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At one end I have said a little seriously, that if Rebekah does not share with us your pleasure, I can be playing from here until the crien frogs hair, I do not care, there are other girls who I desire to contemplate much or more as they are able to make themselves happy. The only one that really impressed me, and I had the misfortune to miss it, went to the great and for me, beat Lola, and to make matters worse, Lola it had to do with Rebecca ... See or sense, because they were tapas, Lola fuck Rebeca live, it would be a fantasy unfulfilled by this sinner. : ((

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15 hours ago, happyman88 said:

Here's a question I'd like to put to the forum re: Rebecca's sham dance last night.

It was clear to me from her actions that Jasmin put it to Rebecca that if she was going to perform her dance routine later then to keep the living room door closed which is a fair enough request. Sure enough she had a shower then started her performance on the hour, as has become customary at 03.00 and the "show" lasted for just over an hour which has become the norm so it had to be pre-planned. Now the bit that has me baffled. The short see through dress was superb and left nothing to the imagination but throughout the routine she looked totally bored just like girls one sees in hostess bars that are just going through the motions and filling in their allocated time slot. During the routine she kept going into her bedroom to check her laptop so was she connected to her webcam site as well?

She was dancing most of the time facing the french doors onto the balcony just as Lola and all the rest have dome since b-2 opened. Initially I thought they were dancing to turn on the neighbours but that balcony faces a main busy highway and the Mediterranean Sea not like the kitchen where the neighbours get a free view of the girls in all their wonderful and occasional nudity. So the conundrum for me is who is she dancing for and why but whatever is going on it's not reallife as far as I'm concerned. I would accept that Belle performs for us since it is far more spontaneous and she doesn't play solely to the balcony side - she's all over the place and so excitable she's hard to keep up with! Could there be another monitor that we can't see on the wall next to the tv which they perform to another external site and/or could it be connected with her webcam site? I don't know, it's got me foxed - any suggestions from anyone?

P.S. a note to our Moderators, please don't delete this. I'm not trying to pry into their private lives since this is all going on within the apartment so I don't think I'm breaking the rules just trying to figure out what is going on. Thanks

I think that with the balcony doors closed and the lights in the room on, the glass in the doors acts like a mirror, so when they appear to be dancing for the balcony, they're actually seeing a full length reflection of themselves. 

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11 minutes ago, Eyenthesky said:

Creo que con el balcón puertas cerradas y las luces de la habitación en adelante, los cristales de las puertas actúa como un espejo, por lo que cuando parecen estar bailando para el balcón, en realidad están viendo una longitud reflexión completa de los mismos. 

You got that absolutely right, and add a small point, are large windows, what happens, they do not appear in the cam, but if you see the sunrise, you see both on the wall next to the door of the hall, and on the ground , as the windows are drawn. So, they look in the reflection of the glass. Another curiosity, they know where to go or get Sali, by the way they are placed on the carpet, they have been caught on occasion, looking down, and below, appeared and disappeared from the cam. One thing he said, and rightly so, is that here, everything is planned. But this is real life.

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