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US General Domestic Politics #37 Begins 10/25/21.

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13 hours ago, O_U812 said:

Over 700,000 Americans are dead.  Sometimes the immune system needs help.  I strongly disagree with your take.

Not so fast--maybe StnCld has a point and science is verifying


Hard facts pour in from country after country that Covid cases rise with vaccination and the stupid media reports that the cases are the result of

Maybe England's vaccine did not work-


More vaccinated people are dying of COVID than unvaccinated people, according to a recent report from Public Health England (PHE). The report shows that 163 of the 257 people (63.4%) who died within 28...

But, here is more evidence that vaccines do work, however it has been shown that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines lose effectiveness over time and that could be the reason for the above article.


Study authors said vaccines alone were "not enough" to stop COVID-19 - but that it was "essential" to get vaccinated to prevent severe illness.

We currently have boosters for other vaccinations such as Tdap to keep us safe from serious illness, so that is why for covid a 3rd shot or booster is being recommended to bolster efficacy of the immune response to covid


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This is outrageous---Biden admin (Democrats) can't even agree on how to pay for the Biden Build Back Better plan.  The left leaning ALCU  is The American Civil Liberties Union is a nonprofit organization founded in 1920 "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States" 

However, since these illegal immigrants don't belong in the USA to begin with it doesn't matter to the left.


Apparently not satisfied that his administration is already letting record numbers of illegal migrants into the country on bogus asylum claims, President Joe Biden is now trying to pay illegal immigrants separated...


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Leave it to the left wing Democrats (who prefer to be called Progressives) to maybe screw this up and not get the bi-partisan bill passed.


Democratic leaders scrambled to shore up support for President Joe Biden’s $1.75 trillion reconciliation framework among party factions as they sought to finally vote Thursday on a bipartisan infrastructure...


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Pretty much sums up Biden's Presidency so far in one word "Clumsy"


ROME — After a six-week diplomatic spat that involved a scuttled nuclear-powered submarine deal and a recalled ambassador, President Biden began a one-on-one effort to mend fences with President...


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We have been told it may hard to get a Turkey for this Thanksgiving---but there are plenty of Democratic progressive Turkeys in Congress 🤣


Some lawmakers are pushing to include paid leave, prescription drug price controls, and a tax break for higher-earning Americans.


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The record-smashing invasion of illegal immigrants into the United States, despite repeated claims by the president and vice president that the border is closed, has already made President Joe Biden’s term a...

Statistics don't lie, but to further prove Biden lies and Harris incompetent handling of the border crisis


As expected, the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas encountered the most migrants in Fiscal Year 2021 of any sector on the Southwest border. And it was the most ever since records have been kept, a B…


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For those who constantly condemn Fox News---wake up--while there are a controversial figures such as Tucker, not all is right wing fake news


Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minn., offers perspective on the delay of the House vote on the infrastructure bill on 'Special Report.'


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