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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Nov. 2016) #1

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With all the affection, think, that most of the comments you are making, and about your beloved Belle, for which I am afraid, that Jasmine is not of much interest.
She'll be as pretty as she is, but she pissed the staff so hard, she's turned her back on him now.
It is also happening with B1, that the comments are minimal, compared to a year ago ...
These girls create very little expectation ...
And not all the fault I do to the girls, much of what is currently happening, has the same administration of RLC.
But as they say, to us, what interests us is that people keep paying, if they speak or say, that does not give money.
And the malloría of us, we will continue paying with the hope that the following month is better.
As real as life itself.

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1 minute ago, vortios said:

With all the affection, think, that most of the comments you are making, and about your beloved Belle, for which I am afraid, that Jasmine is not of much interest.
She'll be as pretty as she is, but she pissed the staff so hard, she's turned her back on him now.
It is also happening with B1, that the comments are minimal, compared to a year ago ...
These girls create very little expectation ...
And not all the fault I do to the girls, much of what is currently happening, has the same administration of RLC.
But as they say, to us, what interests us is that people keep paying, if they speak or say, that does not give money.
And the malloría of us, we will continue paying with the hope that the following month is better.
As real as life itself.

Well I don't think the bedtimes last night have helped. Mind you I used to go to sleep at 4 and work a full day the next day (I always started at 10 and worked through until 7 and maybe worked more after midnight ... globalisation) so this lethargy is not really understandable. 3.30 and Jasmine has been up and eaten but My Belle :heart: not really but you cannot complain about her contribution yesterday.

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1 minute ago, BBsq69 said:

Bueno, yo no creo que la hora de dormir la noche anterior han ayudado. Cuenta de que solía ir a dormir a las 4 y trabajar un día completo al día siguiente (siempre me empecé a los 10 y trabajado a través hasta el 7 y tal vez trabajé más después de la medianoche ... la globalización) por lo que este letargo no es realmente comprensible. 3.30 y Jasmine ha hecho y comido, pero mi Belle  :heart: no realmente, pero que no puede quejarse de su contribución ayer.

I do not complain about Belle or her contributions. In fact if I speak in the jargon of football, Jasmin is first division ... like the girls a month or a month ago, while the girls, Jasmine and other girls are behaving as if they played in 3rd division.
When Belle leaves the house, the glorious time of the best girls at home will have ended, perhaps not on a personal level, but as a group, I do not think you can select a group that has so much of itself.
Someone will say, miracle water helps, and substances ... not allowed ...
Actually, everything jumped in the air, not with the monkey man, but when Milena, I take the boys home.
But really, I am the first, I say, blessed miraculous water and the rich spectacle that he gave us.

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17:05 Just an update in case you think anything has happened. It hasn't. My Belle :heart: sitting on her bed at the far end with her phone and Jasmin I think on the toilet but no doubt she'll be back in bed shortly unless she's on one of her extended stays. Belle has just gone to the kitchen

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2 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

17:05 Just an update in case you think anything has happened. It hasn't. My Belle :heart: sitting on her bed at the far end with her phone and Jasmin I think on the toilet but no doubt she'll be back in bed shortly unless she's on one of her extended stays. Belle has just gone to the kitchen

Jas went to toilet 17:05 with her tablet.she off at 7:11 The game screen was on-she was hiding to not show how she solved the video game.  LOL

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8 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

17:05 Just an update in case you think anything has happened. It hasn't. My Belle :heart: sitting on her bed at the far end with her phone and Jasmin I think on the toilet but no doubt she'll be back in bed shortly unless she's on one of her extended stays. Belle has just gone to the kitchen

OK, BB, I'm back from work..

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1 minute ago, happyone said:

Jas went to toilet 17:05 with her tablet.she off at 7:11 The game screen was on-she was hiding to not show how she solved the video game.  LOL

I saw the tablet - I have no words ... surely she could have left it behind?

17:15 and both have returned to bed. My Belle :heart: shut Jasmin's door rather forcibly.

People want to see interaction. I want to see nudity but at the moment we are seeing neither. Surely they could fit both in so at the end of day everyone's happy.

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