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Leora - Home Activities #75

pulo filipe

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1 hour ago, Nicholas said:

ย  ย  ย I've never denied or claimed that I have never criticized her myself, because there have been times ever so often when I actually have done so as well.

But there is also quite a difference between criticizing someone ever so often regarding situations occurring that had seemed to have gotten repetitious and had occurred a number of times in the past, compared to criticising someone often on a daily basis for a number of other matters related to how often someone leaves from where they live and how long they may stay away when they do, or what they may or may not be doing while they are away, or whether or not someone should have anyone else visit their residence other than someone who was a previous roommate and bf, and a particular individual who happens to be a long time friend that has visited there on a number of occasions, and to speculate or insinuate that something must be immorally wrong merely because there have not been any others than those individuals when there is nothing at all immoral regarding such situations.

Everyone has there own reasons for the ways certain circumstances or situations occur during their life, and no one other than that woman and perhaps anyone close enough to her may know actually why that particular situation has been the way it has been there, so no one knows whether or not it was actually her decision to prefer to not have others visit her there, or whether she has informed some others that there are cams in that residence and others decided they would rather not subject themselves to exposure on the internet.

As far as comments that were made prior to it being revealed what waa the more likely reasons that actually had someone so upset for a several days, it seemed that most comments started being related to being sympathetic to someones emotional state or condition after some others started realizing how upset and distraught someone had started being and that there apparently might be something seriously wrong occurring in that individual's life, but there were also some comments that were made that were more or less insinuating that someone seemed to deserve what they were experiencing and going through. I won't mention no names but, I noticed those type of comments have been being made quite often by someone on pretty much a daily basis and I'm to a point of considering to start calling out the nonsense for what it is.ย 

If the person you are referring to is who I think it is then all the " calling out " in the world will not alter his opinion, it has been attempted by others before.

Whether people on the forum agree with him or not is irrelevant to an extent, he may piss people off but I don't think he is breaking any forum rules, he is always quite respectful to other members even though many abuse him and he is also respectful to the tenant as far as I can see.

His opinion is as warranted as anyone's, I don't agree with much of what he says, but if people don't like the fact that he repeats himself then if you solicit action against him then you must at the same time do the same to Pulo and Masterchef who do exactly the same but are positive towardย  Leora .


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24 minutes ago, blue is the colour said:

We here in the UK have 200 deaths in the last couple of days. The Russian people do not trust the Sputnik vaccine hence 1000 odd people a day are dying:sad:


Today Thursday 10/28/2021

888 Covid Cases -19

5 deadย 


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2 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Well, to be precise, she already masturbated "today". ๐Ÿ˜†

You know what, technically yes! The amount of dates that actually are wrong! Like the first time they had sex. It can be down as Saturday May 16th, whereas it was actually Sunday May 17th, because it started after midnight!

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