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Leora - Home Activities #88


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9 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

I have been reading about that fight last night, and if that results in closures, which some have suggested, then that could have a disastrous knock on effect for the rest of the site. 

What this about ???

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Sorry Ste, didn't quote you!

The Gina and Bruno apartment, apparently the police turned up and were on cam. But all that has now been removed from replay. I did see her in the thumbs crying on her bed around the same time Leora went to bed, and so it must have happened soon after that. Their apt has been UM all day as a result. 

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16 minutes ago, patou said:

J’allais me coucher quand leora sortait des toilettes au téléphone et allait consulter son passeport dans la chambre elle a prévu un voyage ??

Maybe, but with the covid situation worsening I wonder where it can go (and especially if it is vaccinated or not). In theory, if Leora got the vaccine she shouldn't have big problems but without the vaccine it's a whole other story. I guess we will see it in the next few days.

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1 minute ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

The Gina and Bruno apartment, apparently the police turned up and were on cam. But all that has now been removed from replay. I did see her in the thumbs crying on her bed around the same time Leora went to bed, and so it must have happened soon after that. Their apt has been UM all day as a result. 

something happened 

to call the police 

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3 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Sorry Ste, didn't quote you!

The Gina and Bruno apartment, apparently the police turned up and were on cam. But all that has now been removed from replay. I did see her in the thumbs crying on her bed around the same time Leora went to bed, and so it must have happened soon after that. Their apt has been UM all day as a result. 

I'm afraid we'll have to say goodbye to that apartment too. Not bad since we are almost in the Christmas period and there is already little to see... 

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3 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

I'm afraid we'll have to say goodbye to this apartment too. Not bad since we are almost in the Christmas period and there is already little to see... 

It's weird as i never look at any other places but i just noticed her crying as it was top cam, so had a quick look. Then soon after all that must have happened. But i believe there have been several incidents involving arguments between them before.

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il y a 5 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

C’est bizarre car je ne regarde jamais aucun autre endroit, mais je viens de la remarquer en train de pleurer car c’était la top cam, alors j’ai jeté un coup d’œil rapide. Puis peu de temps après tout ce qui a dû arriver. Mais je crois qu’il y a eu plusieurs incidents impliquant des disputes entre eux auparavant.

J’ai vu toute la scène se dérouler vers 16h 17h il sont battus la poubelle de la cuisine a volé elle était très énervée et pleurait très très fort la police est intervenue (4) pour la calmer la police a visité l’appartement et on aperçut les cameras

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6 minutes ago, patou said:

I saw the whole scene unfold around 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. they were beaten up the kitchen trash was stolen she was very angry and crying very very loudly the police intervened (4) to calm her down the police visited the apartment and we saw the cameras

And this is exactly what RLC don't need right now, something to cause them potential trouble with their business in Spain, because that could affect things elsewhere too.

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