Houlii Posted June 1, 2014 Posted June 1, 2014 Well she is there half naked sleeping and there is no packing going on.. who knows :o
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted June 1, 2014 Posted June 1, 2014 StnCld316: Thanks for the info. One never knows what to expect around RLC anymore. As In Hibernation said on another thread, it's a new era now.
Vjamb Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Well if she did leave, could you blame her. there is no where to go but up after being with him. What a doze. I agree the humming is a bit much.
bolts91 Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Seems like I found RLC at the wrong time. First Nora and Kiko, now Alma and Stefan... What's next, some more kitchen cameras? They're not exactly enticing people that are new to purchase licenses for all their cameras when all you can see is new people cook.
moon walker Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Pity for us, not that I'll miss Stephan, but Alma was ëntertainment at least for me, I hope that you will find happyness in youre life you are right skabo,we miss alma :'( :'( :'(
Guest Mortdisc Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 And Goon Boy sits at his computer....... Well now, this is exciting. Not!!! He just sits there like something Foamy T Squirrel has spat out, doing nothing. If he had any feelings for Alma he would be doing something to get her back, but he is too lame to try. So much for the heated latin emotions, his must be in a deep freeze. How can he be sooooo stupid. He has/had a woman far above his expectations, someone who at one time thought the world of him. Now what does he have? An empty bed, life and stomach. I pity him for his lack of courage, and his lack of sense. I hope he finds a person who understands his need to sit at a computer for hours rather than at his partners side. I hope that doesn't turn out to be a dog, because he would even manage to mistreat the dog. Good luck Stefan.
darkman Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 yo tampoco creo que sea asi , hoy en dia no hay muchos chicos " normales " que quieran relaciones serias y las chicas son mas " faciles " que hace años , no hace falta tener novia para poder follar como en mi época , estoy seguro que a estefan no le costaria mucho encontrar novia y española , si hablamos de sudamericanas tipo isabel , las que quieras das una patada a una piedra y salen cuatro , y de otros países igual , y si es para casarse y con eso consiguen la nacionalidad ya no te cuento de esas hay haciendo cola , no es raro aqui en españa ver señores de 50 o 60 años con chicas latinas de veinte/tantos o treinta años asi que si es un poco jilopoyas eso lo descubriran mas tarde , por que planta tiene el chaval , no olvidemos que alma tambien es extranjera , aqui en españa alma no es mas que estefan mas bien al contrario . y rusas hay hasta paginas web que te las traen a la carta para casarte , osea que cada cosa en su sitio .
TBG 150 Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Darkman is right. Couples are different than what we grew up to know. And Goon Boy? His stomach is plenty full. Alma made him a great meal. All he did was put his plate in the sink and squeeze her ass a few times. Other than that, very few words were spoken between them. Alma placed her plate on the table and ate, ignoring him the whole time.
Alma_BigAss Posted June 2, 2014 Posted June 2, 2014 Pity for us, not that I'll miss Stephan, but Alma was ëntertainment at least for me, I hope that you will find happyness in youre life Maybe she hooked up with another guy and will take over Nora and Kiko apartment. ¿Ha donde hay que firmar?? :D El dia que Alma se nos vaya, habrá un antes y un después en RLC.
snaky Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Quoted from another site. Alma and Stefan are breaking up. Alma told the RLC officials that this would be her last month in the apartment. Alma has a new job and a new boyfriend (or girlfriend) . May, the 31st, will be their last day . Stefan seems dumbfounded; he just sits at the computer and hums all day and night. Alma's real name is " Reishi " and Stefan is "David " . As to where I get my info, I stated before that I speak Spanish and although it's sometimes hard to hear or understand them because of background noise, I just go to Cam Caps.net and Alma's official "spy" tells what's going on if I missed it. So it quotes. Well, now we know we can't trust your sources! She is still there. And by the way, her name is Almelina. We all learned that after the emergency medical assistance encounter. And he is definitely no "David"
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Amazing... and all this time I thought Alma and Stevie's real names were "Honey Pie" and "Goon Boy!" Over one year later, and I'm still learning new things everyday! :D
Alma_BigAss Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Quoted from another site. Alma and Stefan are breaking up. Alma told the RLC officials that this would be her last month in the apartment. Alma has a new job and a new boyfriend (or girlfriend) . May, the 31st, will be their last day . Stefan seems dumbfounded; he just sits at the computer and hums all day and night. Alma's real name is " Reishi " and Stefan is "David " . As to where I get my info, I stated before that I speak Spanish and although it's sometimes hard to hear or understand them because of background noise, I just go to Cam Caps.net and Alma's official "spy" tells what's going on if I missed it. So it quotes. Well, now we know we can't trust your sources! She is still there. And by the way, her name is Almelina. We all learned that after the emergency medical assistance encounter. And he is definitely no "David" No es Almelina, es Reishy. Lo mismo no se escribe así, pero fonéticamente suena a Reishi, Reisy, Reichi... o algo similar.
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