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Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #5


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And forgot to mention get merried, having some more psychological problems and start talking russian...πŸ˜‚ I don't want him like that, even some people here will lose one of their favorite topics.πŸ€”

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5 hours ago, yelt said:

@fungirl2, you have quite a memory. Β How about the morning swim at B4, where she had no bathing suit? She undressed, jumped in the pool with Bogdan watching, knowing he was watching, she undressed, and jumped in the pool naked.Β 

I am still not convinced she is an exhibitionist; just Martina doing what she wants to do, and no one can tell her otherwise! Β I agree that Martina should always be careful; to your point not being careful could lead to a misstep but let’s hope not. Β However, I β€˜am not so sure she has not already experienced some unpleasant mishaps.Β 

School friends, or classmates; she could be engaged off camera in activities and sharing confidential conversations with them that perhaps she should not. Β How well does she really know the weekend set of friends or their friends? Could lead to or invoke an unhappy situation, parallel to the previous occurrence with Nelly; With only the most recent incident to ponder, I am still not convinced she has learned from, or the relationship with Nelly is over. Perhaps her relationship with Nelly will not be over until she finds or gets involved with a new girlfriend to distract her from Nelly. Let’s just hope if that happens and it will, Martina does not share the relationship information with Nelly; in her condition, it could become an untenable situation with Nelly.

In spite of my sometimes-derogatory comments about her morals and being selfish and inconsiderate of Alberto, I believe Martina is by natural a good person, lacking a few attributes (in time will develop) as are we all, although, it does seem to me she is trying to hard to find herself. Β 

Martina seems as if she wants to experience or live life and not miss anything, not sure what that means but let’s hope there are not to many bad life learning experiences and there are no hard falls.Β 

I would also say the one person she really knows; she knows she can trust completely, and knows her better than herself, is Alberto …and her family. Alberto is a friend, a partner, a roommate, an advisor, and a lover.Β 

Everyone is an individualist but this couple β€œtogether” I think…are a good investment! Hard-work, discipline, focus, minding each other and only good things and opportunity will come too them.Β Β 

About the pool story:

  • I completely forget that, I did not have a chance to see that, my subscription was over for a certain period. But I will love to see that very very much, it must as been very crazy to see that Wow ! I think that something has happen between Bogdan and Martina and Nelly didn't know. One thing I remember is during a party at B4, Martina, after a few drink..., discuss/touch with Bogdan in such a very close proximity that I fear that Nelly could see them and we know what Nelly was able to do to Bogdan. Martina is not afraid to test thing to the limit....please Bogdan to access to Nelly....not so crazy I think. Look what she do with Alberto: give love, affection, sex (and she like it very much also) and she can do what she want with others. Martina know how to achieveΒ  her goals, she is strong of what what she believes

For the rest:

  • perfectly and totally agree with you.

Other fact:

  • I still wonder how they end up together, imagine the young Martina meeting the young (a little bit older) Alberto....hum I I have a lot of trouble to understand that scenario.
  • How was Martina younger and how was Alberto younger ? Imagine: somewhere about 4:00 am, "Do you want to have a coffee at home, Alberto, I do it topless ? And Alberto answer: "Can I bring my big dog ?"Β 
  • But I must say, in my life, my boyfriend is much older then me (but I tell you, he didn't do his age 😊) and a lot of peoples around were surprised about us....



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1 hour ago, upyourass said:

Just came across a gif of Martina's sister ?Β  hope she visit's the app one day πŸ˜‰.


LOL you are in the major league here, funny she has the same face as Martina but with a 'little' difference LOL

Do some one has the brother of Alberto ?

p.s. I like your Name and Location LOL...it good to know where people stand these days...LOL

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17 hours ago, girlsfun2 said:

Ik klaag vaak dat Martina er niet genoeg plezier mee heeft, daar zijn we het allemaal over eens.

Maar rond het middaguur, met Alberto, wauw! ze heeft kleine beentrillingen en veel sterke bekkenspiersamentrekkingen.

Ik ben eindelijk blij voor haar, dat zijn we haar verplicht, ze geeft nooit kansen op omdat ze weet dat ze zal krijgen wat ze wil.

Laat Martina los, drijf Alberto tot het uiterste! Hij is nog jong en nog leunend...

Alberto moet leren dat hij heel veel geluk heeft om jou te hebben voor al zijn seksuele behoeften (ik wed dat veel mannen hier het met me eens zijn?) en je kent het effect dat je hebt op de mannen om je heen.

Alberto moet weten hoeveel geluk hij heeft, wat hij misschien als vanzelfsprekend beschouwt totdat hij op een dag een ander meisje moet vinden... het zal moeilijk voor hem zijn om te leren.

Martina is also lucky that Alberto accepts all her games

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