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Rand Paul: We Created 'Jihadist Wonderland' In Iraq


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They need to interview that guy again and ask him what he thinks of those 'freedom fighter' in the wake of what they have done to other religious groups across Syria and Iraq.

After listening to his answer he then needs to be put up against a wall and shot through the heart. Traitors need to be treated as traitors.

The world needs to stop these fanatics NOW before they achieve their stated aim of turning the whole world into one giant Islamic state. Imagine a world dominated by a religion routed in the 5th Century. The 21st Century may turn out to be the last modern era. The clock will be turned back, never to move forward ever again!

When you find a wild dog attacking people, what do you do? You shoot the fucking thing.

Do you sit around debating how it got like that, was it mistreated as a pup, a guard dog that got loose, maybe it has a mental problem, or is somehow infected by disease that turned it crazy?

Maybe, but AFTER you've shot the fucking thing, not while it's still attacking people.

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Van is so right.  And I deeply appreciate others like our good friend Ozi, as well those others who see this growing menace as the legitimate threat that it is.

I only wish that I could show these gung-ho jihadist what my idea of fighting a war actually means.  You wouldn't have to worry yourself about those fucking bastards for very long.  I promise you.

As it sits, we can only hope that someone will come along with the guts and the brains to finally save this world from them. 

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Well it's unfortunate for you lot that I'm still logged on, because I need to vent on someone.

Here I am in Australia, not even 9 o'clock in the morning and I'm already subjected to radical muslim shit on the news. Every fucking day, with no let up, I've got muslims in the newspapers, on the television and now openly protesting on the streets, telling me that I am an infidel, a devil and should convert to their religion or die. In my fucking country.

I have a piss weak government, all the way from local councils to Federal Parliament, that are so gutless, they are actually changing laws and restricting other religions, which make up the majority of the population, so that we don't offend these arseholes.

You know I can't remember the last time a Jew tried to force his religion on me. I can't remember the last time I was stopped doing something because it might offend a Jew. Do you know why? Because it never fucking happened. Even way back when I was at school, we had Jewish kids who sat in the library during Religious Education. Whether you are religious or not, as least you were given some understanding of the concept and could make an informed judgement when you grew up. Now Religious Education and Pastoral support is being removed from the predominantly Christian schools, because we are segregating and offending the muslims.

Jews are all over the world, but they are not trying to create an empire. They have a Jewish state in Israel and are content with that. Fuck anyone that tries to take it away from them. Jews have 'turned the other cheek' for along time, now its catch up time. You kill a Jew, they'll take out a family. Destroy a house, they flatten a village. Take out a city and you will loose your country. If you are of the Christian faith, you probably accept that the Jews are God's chosen people. The end of the Jews announces the beginning of Armageddon. Don't think not being religious will change the outcome. If the Jews fall, it means the West (yes the West) has lost a major battle and the war will begin.

If I was Jewish, I'd be in Israel now, but I'm not and anyway, I don't have to go looking for a fight, its coming to me.

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When you find a wild dog attacking people, what do you do? You shoot the fucking thing.

Whelp, my Aussie friend, if you're President of the United States of America, you ask your wife to send out a disapproving tweet, and then you ask the U.N. Secretary to write a disapproving letter, and then you go to a fund raiser and then play a few rounds of golf.

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