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US General Domestic Politics (2022) #5 Begins 03/20/22.

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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

This sounds like some more elitist liberal progressive intellectual bullshit from people who no longer even know the difference between a man and a woman. Depending upon what your bias is you can design a study to say whatever you want it to say. I notice you didn't list the questions from the study.  


Du kannst nicht aufhören Unsinn zu schreiben. DU hast den Artikel doch nicht verstanden - mit Deinem kleinen Stammtisch-Unwissen. Gute Nacht Baby.


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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And brilliant people voted for Biden, right? How did that work out for the country?  One thing I know for certain is that this country was in a hell of a lot better shape when Trump was president than it is right now. If not for covid, Trump would still be president and America would be in great shape.   Also, it is the liberal elitist who run the news media and social media who are limiting free speech in the U.S., not Donald Trump supporters.


Träume weiter Stammtisch-Baby. Trump hat diese USA international zwischen alle Stühle gesetzt und international als dummes Arschloch fixiert. Seit Präsident Biden regiert und sofort viele Trump-Dummheiten beseitigt hat ist USA wieder als Mitglied der internationalen Gemeinschaft anerkannt.

Auf diesen Verbrecher von Trump wartet das Gefängnis, wenn diese US-Justiz nicht solche totalen Idioten wären. Schande !!



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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And that is what the researcher believed before he did the study, so he designed a study that he knew would support his belief just like the design of many climate change studies. 


Thank you for posting this.


Höre endlich mit dem Unsinn auf. Der kleine Affe von Trump wurde abgewählt und nun regiert sehr erfolgreich Präsident Joe Biden. Gut der Mann ! Der beste US-Präsident seit 30 Jahren.



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6 hours ago, Nicholas said:

        Diese Art von Artikeln sind nichts weiter als mehr Bs von jemandem, der als Darren Sherkat bezeichnet wird, der offensichtlich voreingenommen ist und dem es an gesundem Menschenverstand mangelt, der aber versucht, intellektuell zu wirken, genau wie viele gleichgesinnte Spinner dieser Zugehörigkeiten.

Der erwähnte Begriff „Bildungsniveau“ sowie der Begriff „kognitive Raffinesse“, der insbesondere sechsmal zwischen dem 2. und 5. Absatz erwähnt wird, zusätzlich zu den später erwähnten Begriffen „schlecht gebildet“ und „kognitiv ungebildet“, sollte es jedem erlauben wissen alles, was sie in dieser Hinsicht wissen müssen.

Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass wer auch immer die Person tatsächlich ist, dass die Person wahrscheinlich für die korrupte und korrupte wertlose Hillary Clinton und die korrupte, korrupte und ernsthaft kognitiv beeinträchtigte wertlose Marionette namens Joe Biden gestimmt hat, die mehr als genug von dieser Person enthüllen würde sogenannte „Bildungsniveaus“ und „kognitive Raffinesse“.

Es brauchte wahrscheinlich jeden, der sich entschied, auf solche Bs zu kommen, da der Gauner HRC damit keinen Erfolg hatte. Das Individuum wird wahrscheinlich darüber nachdenken, was auch immer als nächstes heraufbeschworen werden kann, nachdem der erste Tag der Abrechnung in sieben Monaten ankommt, und noch einmal, nachdem die nächsten Tage der Abrechnung in zwei Jahren ankommen, wenn das Individuum sich von der einfachen kognitiven Kernschmelze erholen kann die höchstwahrscheinlich noch einmal von ihnen selbst und anderen Gleichgesinnten erlebt werden.


Das ist Müll von von einem US-NAZI-Propagandisten- ohne Inhalt. Tschüß - schlafe gut und lange.


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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


This is rubbish from a US-NAZI propagandist - without content. Bye - sleep well and long.


       Everything you mention in these threads is nothing more than propagandist bullshit from someone who is obviously a socialist/marxist indoctrinated kraut who was obviously indoctrinated from the influence the socialist/marxist/communist Russians subjected many people to when they controlled a substantial part of Germany after the country was overwhelmingly defeated for the second time in a World War. It was because of the fascist Nazi's that were also brain washed or indoctrinated that many parts of Germany was destroyed during the second World War and your obviously indoctrinated mindset is very similar to what some of those same fascist minded people who were or became nazi's, so you would be better off accusing yourself of being a nazi, particularly since you are from where the nazi ideologies and party began, rather than others who visit a forum thread designated for US General Domestic Politics who obviously are not.

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27 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

       Everything you mention in these threads is nothing more than bullshit propaganda from someone who is obviously a socialist/marxist indoctrinated kraut who was obviously indoctrinated from the influence of the socialist/marxist/communist Russians that controlled a substantial part of Germany after the country was overwhelmingly defeated for the second time in a World War. It was because of the fascist Nazi's that were also brain washed or indoctrinated that many parts of Germany was destroyed during the second World War and your obviously indoctrinated mindset is very similar to what some of those same people who were or became nazi's, so you would be better off accusing yourself of being a nazi, particularly since you are from where the nazi ideologies and party began, rather than others who visit a forum thread designated for US General Domestic Politics who obviously are not.


Blah, blah, blah ohne Sinn und Inhalt von einem Trump-US-NAZI. "Viel Lärm um NICHTS". Gehe schlafen, Bubi.


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9 hours ago, letsdothis said:

Apparently, that's what his research determined. Obviously, there will be exceptions.

Research? He asked a series of questions and then HE determined what the answer meant  based upon his personal opinion. I need to see the questions he asked in order to determine how fair and objective the survey was. Examples: If I ask the question, "How many sexes are there?", and you answer two he would probably list you as being hateful and intolerant. Or he could ask, "If someone is found guilty of 1st degree  murder should they spend the rest of their life in prison? " If you answer yes he could say that means you are an unenlightened and an unforgiving person. He could ask, "Should transgender women be allowed to participate in women's sports?" If you answer no he could interpret that to mean that you are a rigid, closed minded and hateful person.

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17 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

      The propagandists never stop accusing others of what they, themselves actually are or have done. Such individuals are eerily similar to some other classifications of other individuals as well.


Mein Gott Bubi, es ist bekannt, Du hast einige Fremdworte wie "Propagandist", "indoktrinär", "marxistisch", "sozialistisch", "kommunistisch" irgendwo gelesen - aber DU hast null Ahnung was das per Definition überhaupt ist. Du bist nur Dummschwätzer der hier Krawall machen will, wie andere kleine Spei-Teufel und Wichtigtuer. Gehe zu Deiner Mami und heule. Du bist hier einfach unqualifiziert - lerne, dann kannst Du vielleicht einmal hier mitreden. Gehe ins Bettchen, aber piße nicht in die Hose. Die Trump-Kacke stinkt bereits genug.


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3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


Educate yourself and stop believing the stupid Trump shit. There is public TV in Germany. Here and in the USA there is private stupid TV. And YOU only believe the stupid private TV shit - your brain is infiltrated with stupidity. You are not an open conversation partner with neutral information. Go back to your brown Trump cave.


Public tv means it is controlled by the government which means that its content is controlled by the government. You still never gave me the name of one Black person who was not allowed to vote in the 2020 U.S. election. If Black voters were prevented from voting on a large scale, as you claim, there should be thousands or millions of names. Voting surveys show that voter turnout for Blacks in the 2020 election exceeded turnout for Blacks in the 2016 election.

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