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US General Domestic Politics (2022) #5 Begins 03/20/22.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And how much money did Democrat candidates get from hedge funds connected to Russian oil? Strange you never mentioned that $500,000 that was paid directly to Bill Clinton for a speech he gave in Moscow to Russian business oligarchs, nor that Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million payment from Elena Baturina, the widow of a former mayor of Moscow.

I just copied and pasted the article.   

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Blah, blah, blah - es gibt intelligente Republikaner und intelligente Demokraten- und eben Idioten, hier wie dort. Eines ist wichtig: "Dieser dumme Traumtänzer von Trump, darf nie mehr ein Mandat erhalten" - das wäre der Untergang der USA.

Schon einmal hat dieser Trottel von "Nicht-Politiker" die USA an den den Abgrund der Bedeutungslosigkeit geführt. Das nächste mal wird ein Schritt zu viel sein.😁


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21 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

They are not waking up. They are just trying to save their sorry asses in the 2020 election.There is no such thing as a moderate Democrat. They only pretend to be moderate when they are campaigning for election or reelection. Show me anything that has been moderate in Senator Kelly's voting record while he has been in the U.S. Senate.

       Pretty sure you meant 2022 which happens to be this year and it will be a year when the first day of reckoning arrives for many of the worthless wolves in sheeps clothing. They may very well experience more of a one sided landslide change such as occurred when a man named Ronald Reagan was elected and then re-elected. Even those who are naive and others who lack common sense do not like not having much money remaining from pay period to pay period because of having to pay unusually high amounts for everything that are continuing to increase just to survive. Some days of reckoning are coming and the first of which is now only 6.5 months away.

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      As usual, a certain ignorant marxist indoctrinated kraut will be proven wrong yet once again when others who possess some common sense are chosen to have positions of influence and say so in regards to what should and should not occur in the country.

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