Baker48 Posted June 27, 2014 Posted June 27, 2014 Been watching RLC for over a year and here about a year. the band width now stinks. Was ready to cancel rlc but they will now continue getting my $$'s. these two are great.
Guest kastroni Posted June 27, 2014 Posted June 27, 2014 Diana ed Efim sex in the bath tub (The Images associated with this comment are no longer accessible and have been removed).
kooloos Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 did u notice that they don't watch tv at all, there is tv on the wall in each room
Buster Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 What I've really noticed was how they don't spend the majority of their day with their noses buried in their phones which I think is fucking awesome.
selfshoot Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 (The Video link associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
serg69 Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 I have not seen them watch TV once. They do watch some Russian shown on laptop though but that's it.
Houlii Posted July 2, 2014 Posted July 2, 2014 this is also the only couple I really enjoy them having company. Everyone seems to let it all hang out..awsome
Cho Posted July 2, 2014 Posted July 2, 2014 this is also the only couple I really enjoy them having company. Everyone seems to let it all hang out..awsome Il est certain que les Lora et compagnie peuvent se rhabiller quand on a vu Diana. Même Maya ne soutient pas la différence alors qu'elle est également jolie de corps mais au visage plus ordinaire. De plus Efim semble beau mec (les filles jugeront mieux que moi). Ils sont jeunes, beaux et baisent à longueur de journée dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Ils ne sont pas vautrés devant la TV ou addicts aux jeux vidéo. Ils sont visiblement intelligents et instruits tous les deux et ont un hobbies commun : la musique (la vraie, la bonne, celle qui fait vibrer: Pink-Floyd, Stones, Beatles ...) qu'ils partagent avec bonheur. C'est presque trop beau pour être vrai. Il est donc normal qu'ils rassemblent tous les voyeurs de ce site car ils imagent parfaitement les phantasmes des internautes. Merci à ceux qui partagent les vidéos avec ceux qui sont absents. Leur bonheur dans le sex fait plaisir dans ce monde de tristesse. It's certain "Lora and company" are immédiatly forgotten when Diana was seen. Even Maya does not support the difference then she is also pretty body but with the more ordinary face. Moreover Efim seems beautiful guy (girls will judge better than me). They are young people, beautiful and fuck all day long, in the joy and good mood. They are not wallowed in front of the TV or addicts with the video games. They obviously intelligent and are informed both and have a common hobbies: Music (and good music; Pink-Floyd yesterday, Stones on Monday,...); they share with happiness. It's almost too beautiful to be true. It is thus normal they gather all the Peeping Toms of this site because they colour the phantasms of the Net surfers perfectly. Thank you with those which share the videos with those which are absent. Their happiness in the sex gives pleasure in this world of unhappiness.
xeron Posted July 2, 2014 Posted July 2, 2014 Presque d'accord, sauf que Maya a des seins, beaucoup plus jolis, et que je trouve son visage tout aussi charmant que celui de Diana... donc elle reste ma favorite :)
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