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Leora - Home Activities (2022) #44


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il y a 11 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Des mois et des mois de dur labeur. Beaucoup d’écoute, de travail sur qui, qui est qui, d’explication des choses, de tri entre les faits et la fiction. Ensuite, présenter ce qui peut être écrit publiquement avec des preuves solides à l’appui.


Et pour quoi faire ? Pour les porteurs de chapeaux en papier d’aluminium compensés de simplement pisser partout avec un sourire maniaque.


Donc, je suis en grève. J’espère que GH adoptera la même approche.


Vous savez qui blâmer. Merde.


Laisser les dires ne vous occuper de ce qu’il commente que des bêtises ils n’ont rien d’autre qu’à critiquer

Continué à nous donner des nouvelles qui sont pour moi très précieuse et juste

Encore merci heureusement que vous nous être là pour nous donner de bonnes nouvelles

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14 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Months and months of hard work. Lots of listening, working things out, who is who, explaining things, sorting out the fact from the fiction. Then presenting what can be written publicly with solid evidence to back it up.


And for what? For retarded tin foil hat wearers to simply piss all over it with a maniacal grin. 


So - I'm on strike. I hope GH takes the same approach. 


You know who to blame. Fuck it. No more info.

thanks Guyquad  

Continued to give us news  Of the girls leora and Malia 


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2 hours ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Months and months of hard work. Lots of listening, working things out, who is who, explaining things, sorting out the fact from the fiction. Then presenting what can be written publicly with solid evidence to back it up.


And for what? For retarded tin foil hat wearers to simply piss all over it with a maniacal grin. 


So - I'm on strike. I hope GH takes the same approach. 


You know who to blame. Fuck it. No more info.

SG !  If you let a two bit guy like him piss you off to the point of exhaustion then you are a lesser man than I give you credit for.

99% of the forum know what an imbecile he is and that if he had another brain he would be twice as stupid as he is now( if that were possible)

That same 99% of the forum are the same ones who appreciate and support you in what you do……You know my views on the rest!

Ignore the prick, he is a sad person who is trying to be relevant and failing miserably.

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1 hour ago, philo said:

Here is my opinion: I continue to be amazed at all of the drama that so many people are trying to build up, anticipating the return of someone who has clearly been abandoned by the Queen. Some of them must be paid to do this as I find it incredible that a grown ass person would devote this amount of time and effort as a volunteer.  If he does show up, however, what is the most that we can expect? If the past is prologue, all of this build up is so that his hive of supporters can watch him perform again, his three minutes of shame. LOL  

Yet another talking out of your ass comment ... now it is time to block another as it does not warrant my time others should follow suit for piece of mind.

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18 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Months and months of hard work. Lots of listening, working things out, who is who, explaining things, sorting out the fact from the fiction. Then presenting what can be written publicly with solid evidence to back it up.


And for what? For retarded tin foil hat wearers to simply piss all over it with a maniacal grin. 


So - I'm on strike. I hope GH takes the same approach. 


You know who to blame. Fuck it. No more info.

Just use block that way you will not see the crap.

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1 hour ago, philo said:

Here is my opinion: I continue to be amazed at all of the drama that so many people are trying to build up, anticipating the return of someone who has clearly been abandoned by the Queen. Some of them must be paid to do this as I find it incredible that a grown ass person would devote this amount of time and effort as a volunteer.  If he does show up, however, what is the most that we can expect? If the past is prologue, all of this build up is so that his hive of supporters can watch him perform again, his three minutes of shame. LOL  

Ah ! The conspiracy theorist has been released from the asylum again for a  few days. How refreshing to note that they occasionally let you mix with normal people.

Try not to abuse it !


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34 minutes ago, philo said:

Thank you for re-posting my comment. When people read your response, they will decide who is making the rational statement and who is not. Power to the People. LOL

They already have, or are you blind as well as stupid?

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