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Pretty soon all these demon 😈 crats will have to move in into their mommy's basement or become homeless, a bad recession is coming. StarLight28 is still pimping himself to make chump change

12 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

The former president's eldest daughter testified before the House select committee on Tuesday, with the chair saying her testimony had...


Always nice when the daughter turns on the father.  Wonder what the old man will label her as.

The testimony was behind closed doors so the so called news reporter who wrote this story has no idea what she said in her testimony. His report is based solely upon the statements of the chairman of the committee who hates Donald Trump.  Sort of like the Adam Schiff version of Trump's phone call with Zelenskyy which turned out to be a totally fraudulent fabrication from the demented, dishonest, sick mind of Adam Schiff. 

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

I live in the real world. You live in the fairy tale world of political ideology. The reality that I saw with my own eyes was that Trump's policies greatly improved the lives of working class Americans with a booming economy, a secure southern border, a blooming peace in the Middle East, a greatly strengthened U.S. military, a reduction in U.S. dependence upon imports from China, a rebuilding of the U.S. manufacturing sector, a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico that did not sell out American workers, reduction of government regulations that impeded American economic growth, U.S. energy independence, and tax legislation that allowed the middle class to keep more of their paychecks. Had it not been for Covid, the changes in voting regulations put in place by Democrats because of Covid, and a corrupt biased lying news media in America Trump would have been reelected in a landslide in 2020. Even with Covid Trump received ten million more votes in 2020 than he received in 2016. He received more support from Blacks and Hispanics than he did in 2016.  This was the first time in American history that an incumbent president received more votes in his second election than he did in his first election and was not reelected. Is that not strange?  Also, during the 2020 campaign Trump drew very large crowds at his numerous rallies while hardly anyone showed up for Biden's infrequent public gatherings. In fact, Biden hardly even campaigned. He spent most of the campaign hiding in the basement of his Delaware home. How do you win a presidential election without even campaigning? And how can a president who supposedly received 80 million votes (more than Barack Obama ever received) 14 months into his presidency now have a job approval rating of 33%?         


Hallo Ridge, Du weißt das Du mit mit mir diskutieren kannst - ohne Hass. In vielen  Dingen hast Du sicher recht. Das Sozialsystem der USA ist traurig. Trump hat daran nichts positives verändert. Auch bis Corona ist durch Trump nichts positives geschehen. Trump war bereits da operativ eine Enttäuschung (als politischer Nobody, völlig normal)

Trump als Pleite-Kapitalist "Retter von ARBEITERN" ?? Das ist ein Witz. Fuck-Trump ist nicht richtig im Kopf und wurde jeden Tag kränker. Größenwahn und einsame Entscheidungen - Isolation der USA in aller Welt - total traurig.

Unter dem Strich ist das Wirken von Trump als Präsident nur dumm. Das US-Volk muss froh sein, das Looser Trump weg ist vom Fenster. Der olle Biden ist kein Ideal, doch nach  "Trump" ist Präsident Biden der beste US-Präsident seit 60 Jahren !!


10 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Hello Ridge, you know that you can argue with me - without hatred. You are probably right about many things. The US welfare system is sad. Trump hasn't changed anything for the better. Trump didn't do anything positive until Corona either. Trump was already operationally a disappointment (as a political nobody, completely normal)

Trump as bankrupt capitalist "savior of WORKERS" ?? this is a joke Fuck Trump is out of his mind and getting sicker every day. Megalomania and lonely decisions - isolation of the USA all over the world - totally sad.

The bottom line is that Trump's acting as President is just stupid. The US people should be happy that Looser Trump is gone. Old Biden is not ideal, but after "Trump" President Biden is the best US President in 60 years !!


I agree that Biden is a good president for Europe and all of America's enemies, but he is a disaster for America and the American people. So I understand why you love Biden since you too hate America just as Biden and the liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democrats hate America.

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3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

I agree that Biden is a good president for Europe and all of America's enemies, but he is a disaster for America and the American people.


Das ist falsch. Dieser Träumer von Trump hat USA international isoliert und zu Idioten gemacht. "Make Amerika great again" ist eine Aussage von einem Vollidioten der nur USA sieht. In der Welt ist diese USA nur unbedeutend und klein. Jedes Land braucht Partner. Fuck-Trump hat das nie verstanden - Joe Biden versteht das - und ist Gewinner auch für USA.

Egoismus ist nur Dummheit.



1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


Hello Ridge, you know that you can argue with me - without hatred. You are probably right about many things. The US welfare system is sad. Trump hasn't changed anything for the better. Trump didn't do anything positive until Corona either. Trump was already operationally a disappointment (as a political nobody, completely normal)

Trump as bankrupt capitalist "savior of WORKERS" ?? this is a joke Fuck Trump is out of his mind and getting sicker every day. Megalomania and lonely decisions - isolation of the USA all over the world - totally sad.

The bottom line is that Trump's acting as President is just stupid. The US people should be happy that Looser Trump is gone. Old Biden is not ideal, but after "Trump" President Biden is the best US President in 60 years !!


"Biden the best US President in 60 years"?    Biden is not even a "real"  president. He is nothing more than a figure head who is a puppet of his "woke" White House staff.  Anytime Biden speaks without a teleprompter he makes a fool of himself and then his administration spends a week cleaning up the mess his ad lib comments have caused.

1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:


That's wrong. This dreamer of Trump has isolated USA internationally and turned it into idiots. "Make America great again" is a statement from a complete idiot who only sees the USA. In the world, this USA is just insignificant and small. Every country needs partners. Fuck-Trump never understood that - Joe Biden understands that - and is also a winner for USA.

Selfishness is just stupidity.



Yeah, every country needs partners, but America doesn't need freeloading European partners who prosper at the expense of the American people. Americans are tired of financing Europe's failed socialist utopian policies. 

2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

"Biden the best US President in 60 years"?    Biden is not even a "real"  president. He is nothing more than a figure head who is a puppet of his "woke" White House staff.  Anytime Biden speaks without a teleprompter he makes a fool of himself and then his administration spends a week cleaning up the mess his ad lib comments have caused.


Nach ASS-Fuck-Trump ist jeder Idiot ein besserer Präsident. Biden hat sofort nach Antritt im Amt idiotische Ermächtigungen von Fuck-Trump zurück genommen. Dank Biden ist USA wieder eine Weltmacht - nicht nur in Europa. ASS-Trump hat den US-Staat international total isoliert.


6 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Yeah, every country needs partners, but America doesn't need freeloading European partners who prosper at the expense of the American people. Americans are tired of financing Europe's failed socialist utopian policies. 


Eine späte Erkenntnis. Warum haben sich Amerikaner ab 1915 und 1940 ungefragt in europäische Kriege eingemischt und die halbtoten Briten mit Waffen unterstützt und so "Weltkriege" verursacht ???

Warum kümmern sich Amerikaner sich seit 200 Jahren nicht um ihre Sklaven- und Indianer-Probleme??? Und stecken ihre Nase in alle Konflikte in aller Welt ?? Und holen sich immer nur blutige Nasen.


3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


After ASS-Fuck-Trump, every idiot is a better president. Biden withdrew idiotic authorizations from Fuck-Trump as soon as he took office. Thanks to Biden, the USA is a world power again - not only in Europe. ASS Trump has totally isolated the US state internationally.


Yeah, Biden is such a great US President that he now has a 33% job approval rating with the American people.   I understand why Europe loves Biden. Under Biden the US will once again pay for and supply troops for the defense of European countries which are incapable and unwilling to defend themselves. If it weren't for Trump rebuilding the US military, which was depleted by the Obama/Biden Administration, the US would not be able to protect Europe from Putin.

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8 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


A late realization. Why did Americans get involved in European wars from 1915 and 1940 without being asked and supported the half-dead British with weapons and thus caused " world wars "???

Why have Americans not taken care of their slave and Indian problems for 200 years??? And poke their noses into all the conflicts around the world?? And always get bloody noses.


The US got involved in Europe in 1915 and 1940 because of fucking GERMAN tyrants who wanted to conquer the world. 

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