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B4 - General Topic 2022 #37 (April)

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Radislava has clearly quit any trying being in B4 , I don’t know if she even felt so bad being “ lonely “ while in B1 .. Still , sending Cecilia to have her room replaced it is always unexplained .. except if she’s afraid that continuing this way ( not being in the apartment ) she might get fired 🤔on the other hand , Cecilia not “ belonging “ in the cast , it isolated her on having any relationship with the rest of the girls ..The conclusion is that B4 is a complete mess , the example of Fiora and Harley alternating the night sleeping in the LR is ridiculous , they can move one of them in Radislava’s room since she can’t anymore be a tenant in the villa as it seems .

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3 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Radislava ha chiaramente smesso di provare a stare in B4, non so se si sia sentita così male a essere "sola" mentre era in B1.. Tuttavia, mandare Cecilia a farsi sostituire la sua stanza è sempre inspiegabile ... tranne se ha paura che continuando così (non essendo nell'appartamento) potrebbe essere licenziata 🤔 d'altra parte, Cecilia non "appartenente" al cast, l'ha isolata dall'avere qualche relazione con il resto delle ragazze.. La conclusione è che B4 è un pasticcio completo, l'esempio di Fiora e Harley che si alternano la notte dormendo nella LR è ridicolo, possono spostare uno di loro nella stanza di Radislava dato che non può più essere un'inquilina nella villa come sembra.

Radislava just has to understand that he cannot take possession of people. She becomes a leech if you give her the opportunity for people to walk away. She may be back in B4 but behave as she was before Tweety's arrival. That was her watershed, the before and after

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At this moment she will be around to lecacrsi her wounds but in the evening she will return and she understood this for how Cleopatra behaved, she left her room but did not show up. I don't like Radislava, I've already said it a thousand times, but I like what she does, I would like her to be as before

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37 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

È davvero triste vedere Loraine imitare i bates di Ulyana. Ha la classe da fare a modo suo e in modo più naturale.

I don't like Loraine for the way she proposes but it cannot be denied that she is a beautiful woman and delightfully arousing when she offers these shows. Ulyana's masturbations look at each other willingly but in my opinion they always have something overbearing, intrusive. Antonio's school the Italian is served

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35 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

Is really sad to watch Loraine mimic Ulyana's bates. She has the class to do in her own way and more natural.

Come on ..As beautiful as she is , as we have repeatedly said , she’s one of the least passionate people we have ever seen .. A dream woman in looks but really cold , it is just her character like this .. you can get crazy looking at her and when naked at bed with her you might lose all by the no emotions .. It is called sexuality and Loraine doesn’t have it , it is just as she is , we can’t blame her , her looks bring the equal balance of hot and cold .. There are many women like this .

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My first thought was that Radi was going back to B4 to meet Cecilia. But looks like Cecilia, again, is there just because Radi doesn't want her room empty. This is really sad.  And she will compete with Cecile for the top cam, this isn't even smart. Does Cecilia needs some extra income?

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