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B4 - General Topic 2022 #37 (April)

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So ..


Orthodox  Easter arrived , Христос воскрес , Christ is resurrected 

And together came the resurrection of the villa ..And NO , it isn’t Holly the news of course BUT it is Tweety . Tweety that offered her best ever solo private moment , Tweety that somehow , someway , maybe knowing what her friend Holly was doing during the night , she gave her very first massively open masturbation since she joined RLC . And the secret was - maybe because we STILL don’t know her for her private moments - that it never looked like a masturbation show performance , it all looked completely natural , full horny Tweety , her hormones had hit not only code red but the volcano eruption was ready to explode any moment while she was masturbating TO SATISFY HERSELF first and then to pass this through the cameras to the people who were watching or whoever has the chance to enjoy it on replay , unfortunately not managing to reach an epic orgasm as she was building towards it till the stupid NO PRIVACY - which explains Tweety’s overnight in B5 most probably so Holly has her private moment - not in the villa but  across all GOV Barcelona apartments appeared to ruin a fantastic moment by Tweety.


The opinions might vary but talking about real life moments , personally I took it as such , Tweety wasn’t performing FOR the cameras but she was doing her thing WITH the cameras as part of her life . And this genuine , fantastic feeling that she managed to give to me as a viewer might have been one of the best RLC moments so far in 2022. Therefore , thank you Tweety for this great moment , pity it wasn’t completed but even that added to the genuine of the moment when she had to stop because Holly entered the room .


Orthodox Easter arrived , we saw visitors , we saw guests , miracles within some hours all happening like a storm .Holly brought a guy who strangely seemed to be someone bringing her at home and after their moment he couldn’t stay over .Still , Holly from the past appeared , let’s see if she finally found a guy to live and enjoy a current period of time as this girl always deserved , that is to be happy , smiley , crazy and unpredictable , behind this incredible innocence that her aura transmits . 

Finally  the villa looked like it woke up , again not because of the sex or tweety or whatever but because FINALLY the villa offered the variety needed , privacy moments , either solo or with partners , some of the girls introducing new faces , finally B4 was the place that you could be tuned in and not knowing what to expect ..and that’s for me the things I have been saying the previous days .


Last but not least , for the fun of the post 😂🤣😂🤣 , the results speak of the actions , some complains made really loud the past recent days and suddenly we saw whatever we saw .A funny coincidence I guess (????) 😂🤣😂🤣


Well done to all tenants for sharing most things of their private lives on cameras , it is never late as it seems , we still need to find out about the unknowing girl that is christened here as “ Cecilia “ and what she’s doing in Radislava’s room and about Loraine … 


Happy Easter to the ones celebrating today 😇

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19 hours ago, HappyChappie said:

You know what DD, you remind me very much of a person who as not long since been permanently banned from this site in your 'my opinion counts and I don't care what anyone else says'. Only he was a bit more crude than you. Where's his right to freedom to voice an opinion now?

The problem HappyChappie is that this guy - if we are talking about the same one - was that his right to voice his opinion was happening by insulting and disrespecting  the voices and opinions of the others when he didn’t agree . He was “forcing “ his opinion as the right one by eliminating the ones which were posted here as “ ridiculous “ “ LMAO “ I am sure “ “ I was told “ and so on presenting any other positive opinion as a joke according to his own beliefs by insulting with his way those comments . 

If you think I am like him , but how you say it , more crude , it is your opinion and I can’t but respect it as I always do with everyone’s  here .

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19 hours ago, ed2 said:

Finally, after staying in B4 for eternities, and not really doing a shit, she has now actually gone out and done something she should have done a long time ago.


My guy , ed2 😇😇👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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17 hours ago, piedpiper1968 said:

My God we have been complaining about Holly and Tweety for weeks now and Holly brings a guy home and has sex and still the majority of comments are negative. 

Thank you Holly!! All I ever ask is if you are having sex outside the apartment/ villa you bring it home once in a while and let us watch. So thank you!!

Well done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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18 hours ago, ed2 said:

Last time she did it on RLC was on the 4th of January in 2021. So it is well over a year ago. Almost one and a half.

Hmm , wasn’t that the guy with a backpack and a laptop who stayed for nearly 48 hours and seemed like Holly has been waiting for him to appear and that’s why ( in my opinion as always ) she regretted whatever she did with Daniel as she might felt that betrayed him by doing whatever  with Daniel ? 

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16 hours ago, jetlag8 said:

I don't think B5 would be good for Radi, I am sure she knows Tata left and there is a spare room there, but she went to B2 instead. I think if she were in B5 after a couple of days Kylie and Rus would try to get her involved in their sex games and considering what Radi is going through right now I think that is the last thing she needs. Radi has not been back to B5 since the night there with Tweety and that night almost cost Radi her friendship with Tweety, Tweety was not talking to Radi for several days after the B5 night. It's only my opinion but if something good doesn't happen for Radi soon she may have had enough and leave the project.

I agree with your analysis , I just find B2 and the dynamics there - nice or not - having a flow and I think even the girls , Kristy for example who I believe runs the apartment , doesn’t even know what’s going on and how to be with her , at least that’s the feeling I get . I suggested B5 so as Radi not to cause any other dramas happening either being her mistake or not .In general , I think we are witnesses of one of the most weird periods concerning a tenant , it actually might be more interesting not for the adult entertainment that maybe  is expected but just to see what’s going to happen with Radislava and what really goes on .

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17 hours ago, Pete1960 said:

She wanted to do Loraine with a strap-on, Loraine didn't like the idea

About 500 days to long

Everlasting Life
The Gift

Passed Sunday here

Very nice this vertical Easter explanation 😇

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