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Carla & Yanai (2022) #2

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10 minutes ago, cupid30 said:

ive had my fingers and toes crossed a while now!

Did you also burn candles? say prayers in Spanish? sold a kidney?
because in my opinion you should do this in addition to what you are already doing but I doubt that it will work anyway because there is no attempt at seduction between them, I have the impression of seeing a brotherly relationship more

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6 hours ago, moos54 said:

Did you also burn candles? say prayers in Spanish? sold a kidney?
because in my opinion you should do this in addition to what you are already doing but I doubt that it will work anyway because there is no attempt at seduction between them, I have the impression of seeing a brotherly relationship more

lol,i believe carla has an eye for him though,i've seen her bend over in her underwear in front of him,take showers with the door open with him alone sitting on the bed! But one can only hope (off to find a live goat or a chicken)😄

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It looks like Carla and Yanai have this FWB relationship nowadays or “ business partnership “ so the RLC helping income can support at this period . 

No matter how great they spend their time while together ( sexually i mean ) , I don’t think there’s anything else now connecting them apart from their friends . As always , hoping that this apartment and both of them remain “on air “ and that it doesn’t come to an end sooner or later . Let’s see. 

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23 hours ago, Noldus said:

She is in a lot of pain after the breast surgery

I think I was wrong, it looks like she did something to her stomach. When you see her cleaning the wound in the bathroom.


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los implantes se introducen , por debajo de la mama , por la aureola , o por la axila , ella se limpia debajo del pecho , la verdad si esta mujer me daba asco , ahora aun mas , sin conocerla mas que por aqui , ya se ve que es una persona vacia , sin muchos principios ni ningun tipo de moral o etica , quiere aparentar lo que no es , y lo que no va a ser nunca , sin generalizar por que en Sudamérica habrá muchas personas que valgan la pena ( la mayoria ) pero otras muchas reniegan de su raza , queriendo parecerse a los gringos americanos , de piel blanca y por supuesto lo que ello representa de cara a beneficios , economicos y de posicion , ya se que esto que digo va a levantar ampollas , pero es asi , conozco muchos y son asi . el consumismo nos a vuelto asi .

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