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Mira & Henry (2022/2023) Part #1

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10 minutes ago, billycox said:

henry keeps trying to have a good time at shana's, but mira still has him on that short leash.

She has that "evil eye" look - lol. You can tell that she is cautious. Henry is a groper and won't stop. Mira likes to play around and have sex with others but Henry is completely over the top and ignores Mira when he wants fresh or old meat. Mira might get a slice of the pie but Henry is a slob and wants more than his fair share. Do I feel sorry for Mira - nahhhhh, no way. Henry treats her like a dog and was/is abusive with her. She puts up with it. Her choice. She gets what she gets - even Henry's sloppy seconds, thirds, and ..... You get the message.

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