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US General Domestic Politics (2022) #14 Begins 10/12/22

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     Amber swells have been noticed occurring in various places since January 2020. Many of such swells have been joining together and forming larger and larger swells as time has went by since then. Such swells joining together are now on the verge of forming a massive red psunami wave which is predicted to begin cresting as it crosses the U.S. on November 8, of 2022. It is predicted to be a red wave that will not be deterred or slowed by any dishonesty or lies of the fickle minded propagandists of the left, many of which suffer from such ridiculously developed demented or deranged unlogical and nonsensible ideologies related to various matters, including individualized developments of such ridiculous cognitively deranged mental conditions referred to as TDS. Let such a wave drown out as many of such lying dishonest individuals as it can.  

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On 10/20/2022 at 11:58 PM, StnCld316 said:

Good riddance to bad rubbish.  They should have executed him 20 years ago.  

As soon as a person is convicted and sentenced to death it should take place ASAP after their trial not 20 years down the road.

But your beloved liberal progressive Democrats don't believe in the death penalty, except for unborn babies.:sad:

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

If you Democrats believe abortion will be a bigger issue in the 2022 election than inflation and the economy, I'm sorry, but women go to the gas station and grocery store much more often than they go to the abortion clinic. 

Women want a choice of what they can do with their body and not have some Politician, Supreme Court Justices or some Religious fanatics make that decision for them. If a woman wants to seek and have an abortion it should be their choice, it's now 2022 not 1962.

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14 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Women want a choice of what they can do with their body and not have some Politician, Supreme Court Justices or some Religious fanatics make that decision for them. If a woman wants to seek and have an abortion it should be their choice, it's now 2022 not 1962.

Your answer was irrelevant to my comment about abortion not being a determining factor in the 2022 election. And thanks to the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe vs Wade the decision will be made by the citizens of each state and not by politicians, Supreme Court Justices, nor religious fanatics.  The original Roe vs Wade decision was made by Supreme Court Justices who unconstitutionally took that decision away from the citizens of each state.

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In every poll that I read, right or left, abortion is at the bottom of the issues. Right at the top of the list is the nation's security and economy. That is what is on the minds of the American people. There are a very small number of idiots that live and breathe social media and they do whatever they deem necessary to get the rest of the country to believe their bullshit. They think they have the power to sway the minds of real people. To a degree, it works with the feeble minds that won't do their own research.

There are some really sick and twisted males out there that want to think they are women, but still have a dick swinging between their legs and they want to lead us to believe this is normal and we should be trying to corrupt the minds of children under the age of 10 to believe this is normal and they should be changing whatever sex they were born as. There are females that think the same way and want to have a dick instead of a pussy. It's not correct in and of the laws of nature.

The right wants every fetus to have a chance, be it from rape, incest or a badly deformed fetus. Who is going to care for these deformed or unwanted babies? The left wants the rapists and murderers to be coddled and given another chance to do it again. They love, rape, robbery and violent crime. If they didn't, they wouldn't want them turned loose on society again just to have them commit their crimes all over.  Violent criminals need to be exterminated in the fastest possible way. No jail, for 20-30 years or life in prison. Immediate death when it's known without the shadow of a doubt they did execute whatever crime they are accused of. There are so many examples of stupidity in the news today that this site doesn't have the capacity to list them all. 


I wonder if this country will ever have real Americans again? All we have now is extremism on both sides. Why does there even have to be sides? Can't these lame-brained idiots think for themselves?   

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