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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2022) #20


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3 hours ago, Brokk! said:

It's not like that since they decided together where to put the table. Paul even wanted to put the worktable in the guestroom, that is even more isolated from Leora. But then what are we talking about? What should Paul control, that Leora masturbates? Paul isn't that stupid, he knows whether Leora masturbates or not and he's never had a problem with Leora masturbating for her own business.

Yes he does in general know and collaborates with her when she wishes to earn her wages, but it’s not uncommon for Paul to “ cramp her style ,“ inasmuch as he will continually follow her around like her shadow, not letting her settle alone for too long, block out the view from cameras by strategically placing himself in front of them, or walk-in the bathroom and make sure the door remains open….All subtly slightly controlling perhaps.

But at the end of the day Paul knows which side his bread is buttered, and will only go so far before Leora slaps him back into line with a quick reminder of who is the “ Golden Goose “

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il y a 17 minutes, jimbo4 a dit :

Oui, il la connaît en général et collabore avec elle lorsqu'elle souhaite gagner son salaire, mais il n'est pas rare que Paul lui « bride le style », dans la mesure où il la suivra continuellement comme son ombre, ne la laissant pas s'installer seule pour trop longtemps. longtemps, bloquer la vue des caméras en se plaçant stratégiquement devant elles, ou entrer dans la salle de bain et s'assurer que la porte reste ouverte….Tout en contrôlant légèrement peut-être.

Mais à la fin de la journée, Paul sait de quel côté son pain est beurré, et n'ira que si loin avant que Leora ne le remette en ligne avec un rappel rapide de qui est la " Golden Goose ".

Il est vrais qui ne la quitte pas des yeux, et cherche toujours ce qu'elle fait et ça depuis son arrivée

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8 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

When the subscriptions go down then RLC will not be happy, that will be enough to concentrate Pauls mind......Eventually !

I was about to send the below comment when I saw Paul go down on  her on Cam 3. Only thing better for me would have been for her to look at the camera as she was being pleasured. Back to subscriptions.

The forum doesn't reach many RLC members actually. If there was a way to talk everyone into complaining and cancelling they would send a frantic call from Leora, negotiate a bait and hook to get us back then a mass email with titillating news enticing us to come back.

Point I'm making: Leora couldn't live without RLC. She moved to Prague proving it. She would do about anything to stay on RLC. Move a girl in, whatever. Paul wouldn't say no to anything she does as he depends on her gravy train RLC, too.

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5 hours ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

And on it goes, no change despite, same as usual on here. So stick this chat up your arse. You deserve to know nothing.

What the fucks up with you slip I know you have had bad news in the past but  dont take it out of us I have always appreciated your input but for fucks sake what's upset you Come on bud we can all get on on

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