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B1 - General Topic 2022 #46 (December)

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I guess I am doomed to always be the opposite of everyone else here. People seemed to love this place when it was Esmi and Mathilda. We had praisings every day. But I just found them boring, and couldn't wait for them to leave. Now, after these current tenants returned, the tone has shifted. People seem to be more disappointed with these tenants. Meanwhile, believe it or not, but this has actually become my favourite apartment lately:
Elmira's sexy cuteness ❤️
Candy's strange quirkiness ❤️
Serafima's beautiful body ❤️

I like all 3 of them!

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8 minutes ago, ed2 said:

I guess I am doomed to always be the opposite of everyone else here. People seemed to love this place when it was Esmi and Mathilda. We had praisings every day. But I just found them boring, and couldn't wait for them to leave. Now, after these current tenants returned, the tone has shifted. People seem to be more disappointed with these tenants. Meanwhile, believe it or not, but this has actually become my favourite apartment lately:
Elmira's sexy cuteness ❤️
Candy's strange quirkiness ❤️
Serafima's beautiful body ❤️

I like all 3 of them!

That's great Ed. I'm happy for you.

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Elle fait pourtant des efforts pour attirer notre attention SERA : 21.00 h, d'un doigt rapide,replie le bord gauche de son string. A 22.08 répète volontairement son geste afin de dévoiler un peu plus de peau mais petites lèvres toujours dissimulées  .

Répétition de ce qu'elle nous montrait les années passées.

Lors de son premier séjour , pour montrer qu'elle était dans l'air du temps, avait déballé aux yeux des autres locataires son vibro tout neuf . Je peux vous témoigner, je ne l'ai jamais vu s'en servir lors de ces 2 passages à RLC.




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