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What arouses your Squirrelly Political Wrath

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Thats one old video, back in the days Jeff was a hit on Comedy Central. Glad I found him years earlier on youtube.

Lots of true facts in his shows.

Old, you say? It's fucking ancient. Worthy of historic study, however.

Because some things never change.

It is normal to ridicule and laugh at one's enemy during wartime.

No offense intended to my non-Imperial Japanese brothers with this post. It's banned from broadcast here now. But fuckin' A, it's Bugs. Nobody fucks with Bugs.


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I still say we nuke them all. The peaceful ones are simply collateral damage, just like all of our troops deployed in these shitholes. I include the men and women from all other countries that died for no reason other than two ass holes had a fight.

And that started with Old Man Bushmiester and Sadam Hussain. They should have been staged in the Roman Colosseum for a fight to the death. Then send in the lions to eat the winner.

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I can't tell you how much I hate the Democrat party, let alone that buffoon Harry Reid.

He is not only unscrupulous, and deceitful, but is about as un-American as anyone can get.

There is nothing that he wouldn't stoop to.    And the word despicable describes him well.

No wonder that sack of shit Barrack Obama, appreciates him so much.

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Members of the left wing hairy armpit brigade that bailed me up in town today.

To start off, the first bitch tried to tell me that I should welcome more refugees into the country and embrace their culture and religion, especially the muslim faith. WTF? Then the other one stepped in about the damage we are doing to their country, environmental damage from depleted uranium shells (?). What the fuck has she been smoking. Unwashed, left wing, hairy armpit dole bludging refugee lovers and global warming advocates. I wouldn't fuck them with someone else's dick.

First of all, I agree with global warming, it's happening, all the time, normal part of nature. Turning off the odd fan or not using my air-conditioner when I'm sweating my arse off trying to sleep, even if done for years by thousands, doesn't compete with a single volcano going off.

Muslims are trying to take over the world and are destroying my way of life.

If I am right about global warming, the outcome, I'm right they are wrong.

If I'm wrong about global warming, the world will be a harsher place to live, but we will survive.

As for muslims, I'm not wrong,  I'm quoting their words.

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Something to think about....besides the Muslim faith what other religion promotes violence?

I am not aware of any mainstream religions that haven't promoted violence of some form or other, in an effort to protect their beliefs. I also believe in most cases, the practice has ceased with most religions, not pursued in recent history. In fact, probably all except muslims.

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Its not always the religion promoting violence, there are a lot of followers who are not believers. Most of them are just following the 'soldiers in there religious war' because of the better future they are promised.

We also expand our borders for the true religion 'money' because we believe money brings joy and happiness.

All wars to get a free world are crap, a free world would not need a war or one winning side. Thats the best thing about a free world.

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