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One Courageous Conservative Governor


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Wow, grasshoppers, we are actually discussing political issues here on CamCaps.

Unlike most countries, CamCaps members in the US fucking OWN their government -- not the other way around. Remember that, my beloved US citizens, in the November elections. Discuss. Thrash. And vote more wisely next time.

The rest of the world will bitch at you, and be thankful at the same time. This comes with the territory; the mutts always bark at the big dog. The British Empire knew this.

It's life in the big city. Deal with it. Properly.

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I'd like to see him be elected as our President, instead of (yes you're reading this right) the shitbags that are running for the highest office. Both sides are detrimental to the welfare of this country. Big business controls it all and big business is controlled by only a select few. The Rockefeller's, the Rothchild's and a few other in which their names escape me at the moment.

These are the entities that hold the puppets on the end of the strings. They tell them what to do, who to tax, who to pander too, who to bomb and who to turn a blind eye too.

Enough. I really need that beer now.

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You just may fit in here you parasitic dude. Especially with an attitude like yours. You'd be in the top rankings had you not entered badmouthing a few of us. But.....we just may forgive you. I'll run it by my cronies.

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I'd like to see him be elected as our President, instead of (yes you're reading this right) the shitbags that are running for the highest office. Both sides are detrimental to the welfare of this country. Big business controls it all and big business is controlled by only a select few. The Rockefeller's, the Rothchild's and a few other in which their names escape me at the moment.

These are the entities that hold the puppets on the end of the strings. They tell them what to do, who to tax, who to pander too, who to bomb and who to turn a blind eye too.

Enough. I really need that beer now.

Fuck off, I'm already getting him into NSW and then on to Prime Minister of Australia.

As for who runs the country, I understand the Democrats consider Frederick and Charles Koch un-American, but I've also read they are buying Government with their millions. So if the Democrats hate them I presume they are Republicans, or do they just sit on the fence?

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The gov you are so proud of did not send anybody anywhere. All the children crossing the border alone become wards of the federal gov't under an immigration law signed by George W.Bush in 2008. Obama  can not send them back if they fall into the Bush law. They have to be processed thru the system before anything can be done . That may take years with the way the immigration system works.

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The gov you are so proud of did not send anybody anywhere. All the children crossing the border alone become wards of the federal gov't under an immigration law signed by George W.Bush in 2008. Obama  can not send them back if they fall into the Bush law. They have to be processed thru the system before anything can be done . That may take years with the way the immigration system works.

If 'the governor we are so proud of' was misrepresented in a news article does not detract from his stand on immigration. Yes the law was passed when Bush was in power but if you check the facts, there was no opposition to it, it was a bi-partisan decision pushed by do-gooder groups who have no understanding of the consequences. Giving unaccompanied children special rights and conditions is of no benefit, in fact quite the opposite.

Our fucked do-gooder idiots have taken the same stand here in Australia to 'protect the children'. Now, like America, we are being inundated by unaccompanied children, who's parents are more then willing to send them out in unseaworthy boats, risking drowning, as pawns, levers to circumvent the immigration laws.

Governor Branstad has at least stood up to these fuck wits and refused to take any of these unaccompanied minors, who now number in the tens of thousands, as well as pushing the government to protect your borders more, something Australia needs to take notice of.

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A check of the facts show that it was a bi-partisan bill. So in 2008 when the republicans were in power they supported the law and its meaning. Now that they are not in power they are upset that Obama has the nerve to follow a law they passed and signed into law. And the facts are that at least 139 children have been sent to Iowa and have been placed with relatives or sponsors.The Feds can place the children with any relative or sponsor that meets the requirements of the immigration law or in any Federal facility that is equipped to handle the kids without the states approval. The last time our Gov't gave amesty to any illegals with a path to citizenship was under Ronald Reagan. Alot of republicans are against any type of amnesty but still claim R.R. was the best president we ever had. I don't fully support what either side is doing because they are more concerned about getting re-elected and power than they are the citizens of this country.

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A check of the facts show that it was a bi-partisan bill. So in 2008 when the republicans were in power they supported the law and its meaning. Now that they are not in power they are upset that Obama has the nerve to follow a law they passed and signed into law. And the facts are that at least 139 children have been sent to Iowa and have been placed with relatives or sponsors.The Feds can place the children with any relative or sponsor that meets the requirements of the immigration law or in any Federal facility that is equipped to handle the kids without the states approval. The last time our Gov't gave amesty to any illegals with a path to citizenship was under Ronald Reagan. Alot of republicans are against any type of amnesty but still claim R.R. was the best president we ever had. I don't fully support what either side is doing because they are more concerned about getting re-elected and power than they are the citizens of this country.

Unfortunately Australia didn't learn from your mistakes. The faults of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 were painfully obvious and we chose to ignore them.

I thought the current issue being debated had more to do with the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals which I thought was an Obama direction to be lenient on illegal immigrants just because they were minors when they arrived. Great system, we do it here, kids arrive on there own, illegally, we feel sorry for them, give them special treatment, permanent residency status, and then they sponsor the rest of their family who would not otherwise be eligible to enter the country legally.

As for illegal minors in Iowa, I can only go by news reports in July this year; During a news conference, Branstad said he was not aware of any of the children currently living in Iowa and that state has not been contacted by the federal government about housing any immigrant children. He said the government’s focus should be on securing the borders.

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I don't fully support what either side is doing because they are more concerned about getting re-elected and power than they are the citizens of this country.

Thee most intelligent thing I've read on this board to date. Thanks Fred. Both parties are equal. Bush was as bad or worse than Obama. Remember the Twin Towers.

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