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One Courageous Conservative Governor


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Yes, I was fed this article about governor Bransted returning the Honduras teens back to Honduras.

It seemed legitimate enough with so many details as to times and airlines that I didn't think to research it before I related the information here on this forum.

Frankly, it just didn't seem like something that anyone would have just invented.  However, as I have come to like and respect a number of people here that I correspond with on this forum, I myself would like to say that I am sorry that I didn't take the time to research this bit of joyful news before I first posting it here.

What I did uncover after Fred's own post was pretty much the exact same things as what my friend Ozi had mentioned earlier concerning governor Bransted, so there's no need for me to repeat all of that now.

The only thing that I do trust in all of this having to do with all these illegals, is that my own intelligence tells me that this invasion into our country is something that the Democrats seem to welcome for the obvious reason of wanting to be able to count on them when they're older or are able to vote to help enlarge the Democrat voting base.

And that added to the fact that when they get married and have kids of their own, these new recruits of the Democrat party will then make it far more difficult if not impossible for the other true Americans in this country to ever be able to see a conservative man ever be seated as their president.  And this no doubt is something that would delight that fucker Obama.

Again, my apologies to my friends for trusting on face value that which seemed to be true at the time, but which I should have checked out or confirmed on my own prior to my posting it here. 

For anyone who truly knows me, knows that I am a fucking stickler for the truth, so this really does piss me off and irritates me. 

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Relax, Woody. No need to ruin your entire day over it. It's just beginning. The sun is just starting to lighten the eastern sky here. And alas, I must get ready to be a prisoner to my government by going to work.

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Woody that story was doing the rounds, I found it on the internet after I read your post, but there was no source attached to it, repost of a repost of a repost no doubt:

Obama just said " Up yours Iowa" Iowa shoved it back.........Governor of Iowa- Hurrah for you, Governor announced: Iowa will not take any illegals kids(most teenagers) in IOWA. Yesterday Obama overruled him and sent him 124 young kids 13-19, landed the plane in Des Moines. Airport manager called the office of the Governor - Bransted, he drove to the airport and chartered from Chicago a plane from United. Within 8 hours all the kids were loaded on, got food and drink. The plane left Iowa 8 o'clock Des Moines. Next stop was Honduras. Plane got unloaded, 4 social workers from Iowa made sure they got to the terminal, told the Honduras officials, here are your kids, they have no papers, you let them come illegal to America. Iowa refuses to take them. Iowa has their own laws. No minors who are not with adults. Iowa has not heard one thing from Washington. READ THIS!: American states are fed up.

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Thank you Woodworker for acknowledging that you were mislead on the comments you posted. I did the same thing a few years ago and since then have always taken any names in any political article and googled them to verified the validity of the article. I have friends from both sides of the political isle who send me articles backing up their political views. Since getting burned, I have found most articles to be a mix of truth and fantasy. The fantasy part covers up the truth they don't like about the other side. None of them have ever said the comments were wrong they just blame the other side for lying about something or just ignore my correction of their story altogether. I never bring up politics with these people because they are always right regardless of what they say.

I don't believe either party is really concerned about the southern border of the U.S. Bush was Governor of Texas before moving to the Whitehouse. If it was a priority to him you would think he would have done something about it. He finally signed legislation to build a 700 mile long fence in 2006. When he left at the end of 2008 they had built only 16 miles. At 8 miles a year it would have taken over 80 years to build. I don't know if they are still working on it or if Obama stopped the work. Reagan and George H. Were in office for 12 yrs total and I don' think they had any permanent fencing built. It seems that sealing the border is only important to the party that is not in the Whitehouse.

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The truth is that Western governments are colluding in the effective elimination of the nation state. In Europe for example each government is allowing mass migration of any nationality into or out of any nation. They believe that by encouraging all nationalities to live in each others country they will, within two or three generations, remove any feelings of 'nationality'.

The old Blue Mink song 'Melting Pot' could be the anthem of this strategy. To achieve their 'Utopia' all governments are removing border restrictions or simply 'looking the other way'.

Our good friends the Islamists are, however, making life difficult for our collective governments. It is one thing to encourage multi-nationhood but religious harmony cannot so easily be achieved. Muslims, Jews and Christians living happily together is proving impossible in many countries around the world. Extreme religious opinion is setting the agenda. Religious violence is increasing. 'Ideology' is harder to ignore by governments.  Their solution is to pretend to be tough on extremists but really look the other way when 'activists' within our home nations espouse extreme views and create ghettos whilst governments talk of a multi-cultural society. In the US no government has ever seriously tried to close the Mexico border. For a nation with such a powerful military and sophisticated weapons and monitoring systems to say they cannot devise a shield against those who wish to cross the border, is total nonsense.

If there was a will then there is certainly a way. This proves my point that Governments don't want to stop immigration - legal or illegal.

A 'Melting Pot' is definitely being created. My fear is that a melting pot if simply left to simmer long enough it will set off a fire that will engulf the world.

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I remember reading once a saying from my dear friend, tbg150. It went like this.

Religion is a crutch for the weak minded.

I don't think truer words were ever written.

I know I believe in a higher power, but to believe in one "God"? That's like an Investor putting all of his portfolio on one company in hopes of it splitting 3 for 1 and they end up bankrupt.

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I remember reading once a saying from my dear friend, tbg150. It went like this.

Religion is a crutch for the weak minded.

I don't think truer words were ever written.

I know I believe in a higher power, but to believe in one "God"? That's like an Investor putting all of his portfolio on one company in hopes of it splitting 3 for 1 and they end up bankrupt.

LOL  Aren't you doing the same exact thing but in the opposite way.  I mean by betting everything you have on the idea that there is no God? 

And please.  I don't want to open a door into a theological discussion here.  Because even though I do believe in God and in Jesus,.. That's not me there peddling bibles on a street corner, or preaching to a group of people at an orgy.  And neither will you ever see me attending church gatherings, or shouting out Hallelujah.  For what I believe in I keep for the most part to myself.  Though I do say again that I do strongly believe in Him, and in his Son. 

In fact during my entire life, I had only been to a church maybe four or five times.  Mostly funerals, and a couple of weddings.    One particular wedding was a night service, where I had lit my cigarette off one of the candles there before I had departed.

Yet to me there is a difference between that of organized religion and in my believing in God.  And no one has ever accused me of having a weak mind.  And speaking upon that, there have also been a number of other people who believed in God as well, and that many have considered to be some of the smartest people that ever walked this earth. 

People such as Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Johannes Kepler, Copernicus, and on and on and on.

I've seen people bash heads in arguing over this very thing.  But that's just not my style.

I just thought it was kind of funny on how what you had said about an investor putting all of his investments into just one stock, and then going bust, could very well go the other way for him as well, if he should turn out to be wrong in the end about there being no God.    That's all.  :)


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I can't argue for or against Parasite. I do believe, but again, I'm skeptical. But yes, let's not get off on religion. Both it and politics can make you a lot of enemies.

I won't be that Bible seller either or any of the above mentioned. I was raised as a good boy and always went to Church, which is where I fell in love with the Pipe Organ and began my short career as a pianist/organist.

I still go to churches for concerts. Here in the Southern Sewer we don't have venues such as the Atlantic City Convention Hall or massive cathedrals or even Universities that teach music. For that matter West Point Chapel has a beautiful pipe organ.

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In the US no government has ever seriously tried to close the Mexico border. For a nation with such a powerful military and sophisticated weapons and monitoring systems to say they cannot devise a shield against those who wish to cross the border, is total nonsense.

If there was a will then there is certainly a way.

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