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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #5 (Starts 2/10/23)

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



The FBI speaks of the highest increase in brutal violent crimes in the past 25 years. For the Trump administration, the culprits are clear: illegal immigrants. She demands harsher penalties.


No, the primary culprits are Black inner city gang thugs.

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41 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

China, Germany, and Russia demand an investigation on the attack allegedly perpetrated by the US.


But Starlight's big hero the "professional politician" Joe Biden would never do something like that. Must have been Trump who blew it up.:biggrin:

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30 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Former President Trump plans to visit the town of East Palestine, Ohio, where a train derailment led to the release of toxic chemicals, next...


It will be like a Train Wreck visiting a Train Wreck.   🤣🤣

 Wait and see. Unlike the mumbling, bumbling, stumbling brain dead corrupt and crooked puppet known as biden, he will make more sense than any stupid ignorant assed liberal or so called democrat who are nothing more than mostly fickle minded or brain washed or brain dead socialist/marxists or straight up communists who have been trying their best to influence as many as others as they can.

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2 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

 Wait and see. Unlike the mumbling, bumbling, stumbling brain dead corrupt and crooked puppet known as biden, he will make more sense than any stupid ignorant assed liberal or so called democrat who are nothing more than mostly brain  fickle minded or brain washed socialist/marxists or straight up communists who have been trying their best to influence as many as others as they can.

He'll talk about it for 5 minutes and the next 55 minutes he'll complain telling whoever will listen that the 2020 election was stolen from him.  🤣

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56 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

He'll talk about it for 5 minutes and the next 55 minutes he'll complain telling whoever will listen that the 2020 election was stolen from him.  🤣

   It was, starting with the CCP and a virus referred to as Covid. Xi and the CCP did not in any way like the fact of losing over 300+ billions of dollars a year in tarrifs while Trump was at the helm, so what better outcome could have been achieved but to try to insure that someone whose family was indebted to them by hundreds of millions of dollars might could get installed in posititions that would make things better for them by releasing a virus that they knew would be enough of a contagious plague upon the world that it would spread all over the world and hoped that it would disrupt normal election processes and procedures in the US and in the process of doing so, "China Joe", gets installed, a bought and paid for puppet of the CCP. Ignorant assed people in the US are the blame for that since old William Clinton Himself was directly responsible for China being permitted to be added to the WTO and added as a so called developing nation which the current puppet and his so called puppeteer administration have continued the lie and disception that China is a developing nation all so their family could become wealthy because of China. The sooner those with enough sense and intelligence realize and know it, the world might be able to start recovering from the b.s. rather than declining. Let those in the world not forget that had it not been for the US, the worlds populations would have been quite different because of being subjected to tyranny and not democracy and freedom. That includes Canada, the UK, Australia, and any other nations that could have not continued to exist against the aggression and assault of nations of the axis powers. Might be a good idea to remember that when and if the next World War starts while we are still around because it will almost certainly involve China, Russia, and the US, because like the last World War, no other country would have any chance against such countries without support from such a country as the US.

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