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US General Domestic Politics (2023) #7 (Starts 2/25/23)

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We always knew Fauci was a weasel.  This now proves it.  Look how Trump looks at him, his expressions and body language knowing that Fauci tries to control the Covid origination facts.  The look of distain and mistrust on Trump's face is obvious. 


New emails show Dr. Anthony Fauci commissioned scientific paper in Feb. 2020 to disprove Wuhan lab leak theory


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23 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Zwischendurch etwas schmunzeln kann nicht schaden - über "tapfere" US-Soldaten🤣



Die US-Marine erinnert auf Twitter an einen Vorfall aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Damals hatte ein US-Kriegsschiff den Planeten Venus beschossen.


     Propagandist kraut, care to explain why the country where you are from was defeated in two world wars and virtually desyroyed in the second world war ? I will answer the questions for you so that you do not have to lie or deflect from the questions. It obviously was because of simple minded, poorly educated, but rather quite indoctrinated krauts such as yourself. Don't worry yourself though, because there will never be another so called reich, because the country where you are from was destroyed so badly because of obviously ill informed, poorly educated, but unfortunately indoctrinated krauts such as yourself. It is unfortunate that there will never be another try, since such an attempt would get rid of as many more of your kind being those who have obviously been indoctrinated and brainwashed into ideologies of either socialism/marxism/ or communism which is a scourge or plague on mankind itself as could be.  

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9 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



A court case reveals how Fox News stars propagated Trump's lies despite knowing the truth. Media mogul Murdoch approved of it - a stone-cold calculation that has consequences...


Maybe they weren't lies, that's someone elses opinion when they call them lies.

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9 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



Ein Gerichtsverfahren enthüllt, wie die Stars von Fox News Trumps Lügen propagierten, obwohl sie die Wahrheit kannten. Medienmogul Murdoch billigte das – ein eiskaltes Kalkül, das Konsequenzen haben...


New video made public from the Capitol Building cameras show that the Jan.6 Committee and the news media lied about what actually happened inside the Capitol Building on Jan.6. The video shows Capitol Police Officers escorting protesters around the Capitol. Those are the most peaceful insurrectionists I've ever seen. 

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5 hours ago, happyone said:

We always knew Fauci was a weasel.  This now proves it.  Look how Trump looks at him, his expressions and body language knowing that Fauci tries to control the Covid origination facts.  The look of distain and mistrust on Trump's face is obvious. 


New emails show Dr. Anthony Fauci commissioned scientific paper in Feb. 2020 to disprove Wuhan lab leak theory


Fauci is more bureaucrat than he is doctor. Just another part of the Washington, D.C. swamp.

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5 hours ago, happyone said:

We always knew Fauci was a weasel.  This now proves it.  Look how Trump looks at him, his expressions and body language knowing that Fauci tries to control the Covid origination facts.  The look of distain and mistrust on Trump's face is obvious. 


New emails show Dr. Anthony Fauci commissioned scientific paper in Feb. 2020 to disprove Wuhan lab leak theory


I don't think many trusted Trump either or he would have had them them injecting bleach in their systems as he once suggested. 

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11 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

I don't think many trusted Trump either or he would have had them them injecting bleach in their systems as he once suggested. 

Another lie which fools keep repeating. Trump never ever suggested people inject bleach.

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