Aubrey Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 I don't get why some people think that we should just let the muslims fight amongst themselves as if they are not a threat to the west. If this so called caliphate succeeds in its goal then they will eradicate Iraq and Syria and become its own state with billions in oil. A state that obviously hates the west and will do anything to hurt us. Would anyone really care if a few nukes were sent over to turn that nasty little cancerous hell hole into a huge sea of glass? Well yeah of course, there would be outrage and shock for, oh I don't know, about 5 years, then everyone will realise that the world is much better off without the jews and the muslims fucking it up for everyone else, all the time. Fuck em, they've been doing it for far too long and I'm fed up being dragged into their shit. Kill them all, God will know his own.
StnCld316 Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 I don't get why some people think that we should just let the muslims fight amongst themselves as if they are not a threat to the west. If this so called caliphate succeeds in its goal then they will eradicate Iraq and Syria and become its own state with billions in oil. A state that obviously hates the west and will do anything to hurt us. Would anyone really care if a few nukes were sent over to turn that nasty little cancerous hell hole into a huge sea of glass? Well yeah of course, there would be outrage and shock for, oh I don't know, about 5 years, then everyone will realise that the world is much better off without the jews and the muslims fucking it up for everyone else, all the time. Fuck em, they've been doing it for far too long and I'm fed up being dragged into their shit. Kill them all, God will know his own. They should just let the Diaper Heads kill each other off. The sooner they wipe each other out the better off the world will be if they no longer existed. The ones that are already here the only thing they are good for is running Convenience Stores and Gas Stations.
Ozi Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 Islam and Judaism are religions not nationalities or countries. Israel is a country. About 75% of the population are Jews, the remaining 25% is mixed. Not all muslims, or followers of Islam, are Arabs and not all Arabs are muslims. Not all Jews are Israeli and not all Israelis are Jews. The biggest migration to Israel is currently from France. Jews are not Arabs. One is a religion the other a nationality. The muslims will not wipe each other out, the hard line albeit minority radicals will kill off some of the weak moderates then dominate and convert the rest. Maybe we need to show them the Homeland Security video, "Run - Hide - Fight". If you were in a group of 50 to 100 unarmed men being led to your death by 20, 30, 40 or 150, even if they were all armed, wouldn't you attempt to at least fight. Not all can, but many of those being herded like this are supposedly trained soldiers. Enough said. IS or ISIS is trying to establish a caliphate, which represents a sovereign state of the entire muslim faithful, ruled by a caliph under Islamic law. The war there is a localised war that has political ramifications for the whole world. The war against islam is different and has no boundaries, it is a world war. If you nuked the entire area surrounding Syria you would kill of a group of people represented by every nationality and religion on the planet. It would make a small dent in the muslim population, destroy and contaminate the greater part of the world's oil supplies and achieve nothing towards resolving the local war against IS or the world war against islam.
van the man Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 I don't think anyone is serious about nukes but they show frustration at not seeing someone do something big to put these IS people back in their place. We need to prevent Islam spreading around the world. The UK is a Christian country that is being infiltrated by many Muslims both immigrant and home grown. Our government appeases them and turns a blind eye to extremist activity. In a small northern town in the UK called Rotherham, gangs of Pakistani Muslims were allowed to abuse 1400 young girls - who all by chance were white girls. The police knew what was going on but were afraid to do anything in case they were judged racist and anti Islamic. This is a typical example of our governments pussy footing around and achieving nothing, hence the call for actions like nuking the middle east. I would firstly let it be known Islam is not welcomed in the UK. I know this is a somewhat extreme view but sadly radical Islam is not going to go away. This 'fight' has been going on for thousands of years since Islam first appeared on this earth. The reality is that in the modern world a few can cause a lot of damage. The extremists have to be stopped. Not by polite conversation but by meeting fire with fire. We will never win a war in which we do not allow ourselves to do what is necessary to win. This is a NO COMPROMISE war. One side has to win. Israel know that if they do not 'win' then they definitely 'lose' and get wiped out. This should be the view of Western leaders. We MUST win so do what is necessary. During the 2nd World War the UK government arrested anyone that was of German origin as did the US government with any Japanese origin. The enemy within was not trusted. We send our troops to fight in the Middle East but do nothing to protect our homeland. The dilemma is identifying the enemy. If we can't identify them then we have to assume every Muslim is the enemy. This has to be the stance until they are identified as safe law abiding people. There is no easy answers but the non-Muslim world needs to fight back and quickly.
Aubrey Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 You're right of course Ozi and I do understand the differences between race, religion and nationality, a whacking great a-bomb doesn't however hence the lumping together of everyone in that region. It is frustrating yes and whilst a nuclear bomb could hardly be a serious solution, the whole world does need to work together in order to give these fucks a shock almost of that order to make them sort their shit out. I'm fed up hearing about the evil that these people commit, I'm fed up with our governments not taking decisive action against them, yet I'm also fed up with it being the same players from the western world who are making an effort to do something about it. What are say, Spain, Italy, Germany, Scandinavia (pretty much the rest of Europe apart from the UK and France) doing about this in terms of military intervention? Van, identifying every Muslim as an enemy is not the same as the Germans in the UK or Japanese in USA. There's over a billion of them. The last thing we want to do, (or could even manage) is locking them all up and turning moderate Muslims into anti-Western haters. I think the UK's current stance on this is the best that can be hoped for - Cameron wants leaders of Iraq first to sort their shit out, then neighbouring Arab states to send out a unified and clear message against ISIS then we'll support them with that mandate. Hopefully we'll support them with a huge coalition of NATO and say Australian forces that will go over the and exterminate the extremists. Fuck it, if that means a war of conquest in which we own Syria and Iraq until extremism has been educated out of it, then so be it. The oil there will pay for the military action but If we were to try to exterminate Islam on a global scale, well that would go nuclear in no time at all. We need the rapid reaction force that NATO has just agreed to do its job by stamping upon any Islamic extremists that rear their heads in any nation until Muslims the world over get the message that they should get along with everyone else in the world or suffer the consequences.
van the man Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 I realise there are a billion Muslims around the world but less than 3% of the UK is Muslim. Most of them are immigrants and fortunately most of them are 'moderate'. We just need to get the message over that if they step out of line they will be eliminated. No ifs, no buts. The problem I still face is knowing what a moderate Muslim thinks. I do not want Sharia Law, multiple wives, veils or burkas. I want equality for women and freedom for all children. Islam will NEVER allow that. As the religion of the devil compromise is not on their agenda. ZERO tolerance is the only way. Those countries whose majority is Muslim then I guess they can stay that way. They can live in their world and we can cut them off from the rest of us. Those countries will never be prosperous because they cannot develop a modern economy. Those with oil are only wealthy because WE find the oil, WE dig it up and WE buy it! WE must simply not buy their oil. We don't need it anymore and even if we did we should still not buy it. We should never sell them food. They can never feed themselves. Their climate is hostile. We can win a war without ever firing one bullet in their country. Those who choose to continue to live in the West because they are already here would need to be monitored and as said earlier 'dealt with'. We must really be prepared to do these things to maintain our way of life. Can you imagine IS or any other of these so called extremists ever sitting around for a chat and happily agreeing to put down their guns and live happily with Christian and Jews or even their fellow Muslims. No NEVER. This is a war that will last FOREVER. It has already been going on for centuries. The West has all the winning cards. The only weakness is weakness of will and piss poor leadership.
Aubrey Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 I realise there are a billion Muslims around the world but less than 3% of the UK is Muslim. Most of them are immigrants and fortunately most of them are 'moderate'. We just need to get the message over that if they step out of line they will be eliminated. No ifs, no buts. The problem I still face is knowing what a moderate Muslim thinks. I do not want Sharia Law, multiple wives, veils or burkas. I want equality for women and freedom for all children. Islam will NEVER allow that. As the religion of the devil compromise is not on their agenda. ZERO tolerance is the only way. Those countries whose majority is Muslim then I guess they can stay that way. They can live in their world and we can cut them off from the rest of us. Those countries will never be prosperous because they cannot develop a modern economy. Those with oil are only wealthy because WE find the oil, WE dig it up and WE buy it! WE must simply not buy their oil. We don't need it anymore and even if we did we should still not buy it. We should never sell them food. They can never feed themselves. Their climate is hostile. We can win a war without ever firing one bullet in their country. Those who choose to continue to live in the West because they are already here would need to be monitored and as said earlier 'dealt with'. We must really be prepared to do these things to maintain our way of life. Can you imagine IS or any other of these so called extremists ever sitting around for a chat and happily agreeing to put down their guns and live happily with Christian and Jews or even their fellow Muslims. No NEVER. This is a war that will last FOREVER. It has already been going on for centuries. The West has all the winning cards. The only weakness is weakness of will and piss poor leadership. It is all about the oil, same with Russia and its gas. We really should boost research into alternative power so we can forget about the lot of them. They can be Islamic or communists or whatever the fuck they want and we wouldn't have to think about them at all.
Ozi Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 Quote: "I don't think you can overstate the importance that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism will have to the rest of the world in the century ahead-especially if, as seems possible, its most fanatical elements get their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons and the means to deliver them against their enemies." --Ronald Reagan First rule of war - know your enemy. Everybody keeps saying only a small percentage of muslims are radical. So what's a small percentage, 5% or 3%, or maybe only 2%? If only 1% of muslims are radical, that's more than 20,000,000 potential terrorists. Quote: We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades. --Muammar Gaddafi The German government has already acknowledged muslims will be a majority before the middle of this century. Syria is just a side show, the real war is all around us.
Aubrey Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 If this war were to become merely about Christians vs Muslims then we'd all be truly fucked. The 2 billion Christians with the resources of their host countries would of course win but who would want to live in a world dominated by any religion? Europe had enough of that with the Catholics in the middle ages, it was shit, really shit.
van the man Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 At least if the Christians were the winners the women would be treated as equals. They could walk around showing off their legs or tits or anything they wanted. The menfolk would love their children enough to let them make their own choices about the future and marry whoever they wanted. The menfolk would even settle for one wife at a time. Charity would still get plenty of donations. People would actually go out to work. Science would still progress. Has a Muslim ever invented anything!!! Stoning, beheading and street beatings would be a thing of the past, not the future. Music would flow around the world and not be banned. The call to prayer would not bellow across the cities and sound like someone was being castrated- which they probably are! Democracy would mean something and might still be practiced. The rule of law would still prevail and be left to qualified, independent judges, not some self appointed woman hating so called leader. Whether you believe in God or not most modern democracies are based on the Christian beliefs of loving yourself, loving your family and treating your neighbour as yourself. Atheists would be accepted not beheaded or stoned. Now imagine the world where only Islam existed. Do you think Atheists would be better off in Christian or Muslim world. The 21st Century would suddenly start to look very similar to the 5th Century. Oh yes what a great prospect. Well at least the Greens and environmentalists would be happy sitting in their dark cold caves!!!!
woodworker Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 They invented the back scratcher.
Ozi Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 I guess I will return to my original comments about knowing your enemy and that we are talking about two different issues, one the fight for the caliphate or State of Islam and the other is the covert control of the world. The combined population of Iraq and Syria is about 56,000,000 people. It is estimated that about 53,000,000 are muslims. That's less that the number of muslims estimated to live in Europe right now and remember, they are populating the planet 6 times faster than we are. About 12% of the Russian population is already muslim and growing by the day. Even Putin struggles to control them. Know your enemy, or rather who your friends aren't. Oil is not necessarily the trigger, in fact the dependency on oil may even be part of the ploy (there's a potential conspiracy theory in the making). The US doesn't make the top 5 in oil reserves (that we know of) yet is the third largest as far as the production of crude oil. The largest exporter of petroleum and crude oil to the US used to be Canada and I believe still is, with Saudi Arabia second and South American countries third and fourth. In fact, Brazil and Venezuela have potential reserves which exceed those in the middle eastern countries. So maybe they aren’t really as critical as we have been led to believe. Unless of course the major oil companies are still trying to generate enough revenue to recover their capital investment in the region. As I've mentioned before I have never been stopped from doing something because it would offend a Jew. I have also never been forced to do something because Christians said I had to. In fact, quite the opposite. I believe I have mentioned that my beautiful wife is a believer, but not the bible bashing go to church every Sunday type. I’ve attended more functions than I can remember with her fellow believers, family events where often one partner believed and the other didn’t, sometimes husbands like me, sometimes wives. Never been rejected, refused or put down. We are not talking the dark ages here, all religions have pretty much moved on since then, except the muslims. Christianity doesn’t pose a threat to the world or our freedoms, Islam does. And most people would live by good old Christian values anyway if they had the choice, whether Christian or not. The war against Islam has already started, it’s in your own back yard, people just need to wake up to it. The muslims in your suburbs are doing more harm to your country than the events of 9/11. It’s happening without guns or bloodshed, but the day will come when we will need guns and bloodshed to defend ourselves.
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