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B7 - General Topic 2023 #7 (March / April)

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while skimming through the replays and from reading on here, i have come to the conclusion that bogdan has gotten through to nelly that he fucked up by getting caught with aziza.  due to that circumstance nelly has had bogdan on a pretty tight leash, a prisoner in his own home so to speak.  until today that is, i don't know what time he entered the b4 garage through the main entrance but he has been in there ever since.  aziza hem hawed around until she couldn't take it any longer and went out the main door and straight into the b4 garage with her lover bogdan.  does anyone else see how bad this looks for rlc?

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35 minutes ago, rafan said:

Scopami se capisco qualcosa, il loro comportamento non ha senso


33 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

comincio a pensare che sia tutta una recita

Their behavior makes no sense because we start from wrong assumptions: Aziza and Bogdan are fucking every moment they meet in the garage of B4 or B7! Are we sure it's true?

Nelly and Bogdan's crisis is because of Bogdan fucking Aziza: what if it was for a completely different reason?

We don't understand Russian; if we understood it perhaps many things would be clearer. Watch them now all together in B7 with Nelly and Bogdan: they laugh and play and they are together cordially...

Now there are two cases:

1) Bogdan fucks Aziza and hence everyone is acting brilliantly by higher orders of rlc

2) or Bogdan doesn't fuck Aziza and the crisis with Nelly is due to all other reasons (not Aziza)



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i'm the first to admit that anything is possible.  i do however, believe that bogdan is fucking aziza and all the fighting/discussions/crying/slamming fist into headboard between nelly and bogdan is not because bogdan is fucking aziza, it's because of bogdan killing the power in b4, slipping into bed with aziza, and then getting his stupid ass caught.  all he had to do was summon her to the b4 garage and nobody would be the wiser.  first class rookie mistake by bogdan.

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5 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

Sono il primo ad ammettere che tutto è possibile. tuttavia, credo che bogdan sia fottutamente aziza e tutti i litigi/discussioni/pianti/sbattuti pugni sulla testiera tra nelly e bogdan non sia perché bogdan sia fottutamente aziza, è a causa di bogdan che uccide il potere in b4, scivolando nel letto con aziza , e poi farsi prendere il suo stupido culo. tutto quello che doveva fare era convocarla al garage b4 e nessuno se ne sarebbe accorto. errore da principiante di prima classe di Bogdan.

It is probable: so now they are all acting very well. So you choose my option 1. In this case they are great actors!

I personally have decided not to issue judgments as I am missing some important elements: their speeches in Russian!

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This looks like the most “ forced “ social gathering that the villas tenants seem to orchestrate , Britney seems to be bored her life there , Kimberly like she was asked to try and develop some kind of relationships , Aziza pretending to everyone that whatever she and Bogdan showed that was happening , it was just random 😂🤣😂🤣 and that everyone is fool and we didn’t see them together , Bogdan is in his room most of the times of the day when he was mostly the one responsible looking after the villas good functioning , the two guys like ; Grisha “ need to find someone to talk to “ ( all the time on his phone and Anthony at least wit his daily routine behavior, trying to be friendly and easily approachable by everyone .. as for Nelly , karma is a bitch , she was bringing her lover in the villa and Bogdan was around despite knowing , now she needs to face without reacting and accepting the girl that her husband might have done something … my opinion is and - sorry to say it - that this is one of the fakest things we are watching .. let’s see when chaos breaks loose 😂🤣😂🤣

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5 minutes ago, Boing said:

It is probable: so now they are all acting very well. So you choose my option 1. In this case they are great actors!

I personally have decided not to issue judgments as I am missing some important elements: their speeches in Russian!

unfortunately there will never be closed captioning and they will never make the girls and guys speak english so the viewers will always remain in the dark with that part of it.

as for them acting very well, i believe that, as part of nelly and bogdans heated discussions, it was decided that it was best to carry on like nothing ever happened, a save face if you will allow me to say.  i also am 95% sure that aziza met bogdan in his passion pit garage in b4 where some of this might have been discussed.  because of all of this that has transpired, i will never look at rlc the same!

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5 minutes ago, ddhm said:

This looks like the most “ forced “ social gathering that the villas tenants seem to orchestrate , Britney seems to be bored her life there , Kimberly like she was asked to try and develop some kind of relationships , Aziza pretending to everyone that whatever she and Bogdan showed that was happening , it was just random 😂🤣😂🤣 and that everyone is fool and we didn’t see them together , Bogdan is in his room most of the times of the day when he was mostly the one responsible looking after the villas good functioning , the two guys like ; Grisha “ need to find someone to talk to “ ( all the time on his phone and Anthony at least wit his daily routine behavior, trying to be friendly and easily approachable by everyone .. as for Nelly , karma is a bitch , she was bringing her lover in the villa and Bogdan was around despite knowing , now she needs to face without reacting and accepting the girl that her husband might have done something … my opinion is and - sorry to say it - that this is one of the fakest things we are watching .. let’s see when chaos breaks loose 😂🤣😂🤣

damn it ddhm, now you are making to much sense!  i feel the same way, it looked very forced and unnatural.  they really do play us for fools!  as for nelly, you reap what you sow!

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... and in all this story/comedy/drama, Alsou and Tani have decided to stay out by disappearing from B4/B7 for several days (maybe they have something more pleasant to do)😋

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