Ozi Posted September 17, 2014 Posted September 17, 2014 'Old dudes". Quand on sait que la plupart d'entre eux a 1 an de présence ici, 16 et 21 mois pour seulement 2 d'entre eux, on ne peut que relativiser l'expression... :D Il serait plus juste d'affirmer que les "old dudes" sont surtout des "paid members", quelle que soit la date de leur enregistrement sur CC. Le nombre d'étoiles est donc directement lié à la donation (Habs newbie 6 étoiles). Rien à voir avec l'ancienneté ou le nombre de post. Pourquoi ne pas annoncer la couleur, that is the question. Ceux là nous répondront sans doute qu'il est normal d'être différenciés du petit peuple et c'est là que j'aurai ce désaccord sur la méthode. Réaliser une donation est très louable mais n'a aucune incidence sur la qualité implicite du donateur ou celle de ses réflexions. En toute chose, il faut considérer la finalité. The Old Dudes Board Board for those who are over 40. As you can see, the expression Old Dudes refers to people over 40, not the length of time on CC. As it turns out, the majority of the contributors to those threads are probably a little older than 40, in my opinion, real old dudes not a group of conspirators. As for the stars, there is at least one contributor, has 6 stars because he is a paid member, and has only posted to one thread and nothing to do with either the Old Dudes or ANY of the apartments. Like minded people will bond, at work, at the pub, on the internet. In a group of say 6 people, if one disagrees with the others then he's going to get 5 negative responses. It's as simple as that, nothing sinister about it.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted September 17, 2014 Posted September 17, 2014 Oddly, I have absolutely NO IDEA how the star system works. And frankly, I don't give a damn.
Cho Posted September 17, 2014 Posted September 17, 2014 'Old dudes". Quand on sait que la plupart d'entre eux a 1 an de présence ici, 16 et 21 mois pour seulement 2 d'entre eux, on ne peut que relativiser l'expression... :D Il serait plus juste d'affirmer que les "old dudes" sont surtout des "paid members", quelle que soit la date de leur enregistrement sur CC. Le nombre d'étoiles est donc directement lié à la donation (Habs newbie 6 étoiles). Rien à voir avec l'ancienneté ou le nombre de post. Pourquoi ne pas annoncer la couleur, that is the question. Ceux là nous répondront sans doute qu'il est normal d'être différenciés du petit peuple et c'est là que j'aurai ce désaccord sur la méthode. Réaliser une donation est très louable mais n'a aucune incidence sur la qualité implicite du donateur ou celle de ses réflexions. En toute chose, il faut considérer la finalité. The Old Dudes Board Board for those who are over 40. As you can see, the expression Old Dudes refers to people over 40, not the length of time on CC. As it turns out, the majority of the contributors to those threads are probably a little older than 40, in my opinion, real old dudes not a group of conspirators. Affirmation totalement gratuite en effet. Aucune des 6 étoiles n'a renseigné l'âge sur son profil. Il ne peut donc s'agir que d'une supposition. Cela dit, ce n'est pas un grave problème comme tu l'indiques et si l'origine des 6 étoiles est inconnue, elle ne peut donc être la base du statut de "old dudes". Enfin, l'âge n'est pas une garantie systématique de sagesse. Laissons de côté cette condescendance et ce paternalisme dont beaucoup n'ont que faire. Nous ne sommes pas ici pour une quelconque reconnaissance individuelle. Alors, par pitié, qu'on arrête de nous rebattre (et non rabattre comme on lit trop souvent) les oreilles avec cette terminologie d'un autre âge et regardons ces jolies jeunes femmes. :D Elles sont "nos étoiles" ----------------------Totally free assertion indeed. None of the 6 stars filled the age on his profile. It cannot therefore be a guess. :) That said, this is not a serious problem as you listed it and if the origin of 6 stars is unknown, it cannot be the basis of the status of "old dudes". Finally, the age is not a systematic guarantee of wisdom. Leaving aside this condescension and this paternalism, many of whom have nothing to do. We are not here for any individual recognition. Then, for pity's sake, keep harping on about this terminology from another age and look at beautiful women. :D They are "our stars"
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted September 17, 2014 Posted September 17, 2014 The purpose of Old Dudes is to create a discussion site that does not need to focus on RLC or Voyeurism, but as a place to share experiences, culture and comments that would otherwise be off-topic in the "RLC Couples" section. -Music & Movies: Juke Box, for example, is a place to share music from the past, and contemporary music as well. Here you can be introduced to musicians who have long since been forgotten, or are unknown to many because they have not gotten international attention. -Experiences: Here, you can discuss history and politics, as well as your personal life experiences, and learn from others about theirs. Everybody loves Woodworker's stories, since he came from a background unlike many of us; and many of his stories are posted at Old Dudes. -Food and drink (and drugs, of course). -There really is no age limitation; that "over 40" statement is more tongue-in-cheek, designed to alert 13-year-old wankers and jack-offs that they would get bored at Old Dudes because they wouldn't understand the discussions and because there is a lack of naked pussy over there. Unfortunately, as RLC video and picture postings continue to disappear, frustration will mount and you will see more off-topic bullshit arguments at these "RLC Couples threads." The purpose of Old Dudes is to give arguments about nationality, culture, politics, etc., a more clearly defined place to be discussed in a less frightful manner. Thank you for your time.
Cho Posted September 17, 2014 Posted September 17, 2014 The purpose of Old Dudes is to create a discussion site that does not need to focus on RLC or Voyeurism, but as a place to share experiences, culture and comments that would otherwise be off-topic in the "RLC Couples" section. -Music & Movies: Juke Box, for example, is a place to share music from the past, and contemporary music as well. Here you can be introduced to musicians who have long since been forgotten, or are unknown to many because they have not gotten international attention. -Experiences: Here, you can discuss history and politics, as well as your personal life experiences, and learn from others about theirs. Everybody loves Woodworker's stories, since he came from a background unlike many of us; and many of his stories are posted at Old Dudes. -Food and drink (and drugs, of course). -There really is no age limitation; that "over 40" statement is more tongue-in-cheek, designed to alert 13-year-old wankers and jack-offs that they would get bored at Old Dudes because they wouldn't understand the discussions and because there is a lack of naked pussy over there. Unfortunately, as RLC video and picture postings continue to disappear, frustration will mount and you will see more off-topic bullshit arguments at these "RLC Couples threads." The purpose of Old Dudes is to give arguments about nationality, culture, politics, etc., a more clearly defined place to be discussed in a less frightful manner. Thank you for your time. Joli discours mais hors sujet... La discussion avait commencé par l'exaspération de quelques-uns de toujours recevoir une réponse moralisatrice ou condescendante initiée par une minorité se réclamant des "old dudes". Cette qualité n'étant pas démontrée j'ai donc pris le parti d'en rire ce qui semble ne pas plaire à tout le monde. Je découvre donc que cette association de vieux potes à pour ambition de ré-hausser le débat sur CC en abordant différents thèmes. Ca n'a plus rien à voir avec la discussion initiale. N'existe-t-il pas des endroits plus appropriés pour ce genre de débat qu'un site de voyeurisme ? Cette tentative de diversion est comique. Un dernier point pour conclure. Inutile d'écrire en gras avec une font de caractère élargie. Est-ce que je m'énerve ? Non, certainement pas et ma vue est bonne. Bonne soirée. ----------------------------------Nice speech but off topic... The discussion began with the exasperation of some always receiving a moralistic or patronising response initiated by a minority claiming to be the "old dudes". This qualification is not demonstrated so I took the party to laugh, what appears not appeal to everyone. I discovered that this combination of old buddies aims to raise the debate on CC about different themes. No report with initial discussion. Is there no more appropriate places for this kind of debate than a site of voyeurism ? This diversion attempt is comical. ;D One final point to conclude. No need to write in bold with a font character expanded. Do I annoy ? Certainly not and my eyesight is good. ;) Good evening.
Guest Ange_Gardien Posted September 17, 2014 Posted September 17, 2014 Of cartons everywhere !!! Too bad if they leave it is the coolest and most natural pair :( I have studied this thread thoroughly and have decided that Ange_Gardien had a perfect right to post this, and that it is justified. And yes, it got a bit out of hand, and I did not help. Please forgive me for having misunderstood your intentions. Buy you a drink at Old Dude's, Ange_Gardien. THANK FOAMY ... and sorry about the way I responded There 'are more serious and more serious things in life and CC should be a place of calm and friendliness Too bad we forget how lucky dice once we make one click and we will find hundreds of different horizon Sorry again and good luck to all
Linked Posted September 17, 2014 Posted September 17, 2014 This isn't necessarily a site of voyeurism. It is a forum, a site for discussion. The main forum is about voyeur yes, but as in any forum there is more being discussed. My first comment on the OMG a box thread, was not me singling out A_G but a smart ass comment as a whole to everyone who thinks there is a box someone is moving out. A_G was probably took it a little to personal, who in turn sparked the wrath of the Squirrel who know what I was getting at. We are not near old buddies that is for sure. A lot of the guys who have been here a while share the same views, hence stand up for each other. I am not an old dude by any means. I am actually a pup in the millennial generation, but I am different from the rest of my generation because I am an ultra conservative hence why I get along with the "old Dudes" there is no need for this topic to go any further. Just remember this is a forum with thousands of people popping in and out. only about 50 post anything but there is a lot of different personalities and backgrounds, so your not just going to have discussions about voyeur hence the "Old Dudes" section.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted September 17, 2014 Posted September 17, 2014 THANK FOAMY ... and sorry about the way I responded There 'are more serious and more serious things in life and CC should be a place of calm and friendliness Too bad we forget how lucky dice once we make one click and we will find hundreds of different horizon Sorry again and good luck to all It was regrettable, but I'm glad we overcame the difficulties. We shake hands (in my case, paws). I agree with your opinion that CC should be a place of calm and friendliness. Sometimes we get old and cranky, and I have an innate fear of trolls and get a bit trigger happy. I don't know Linked very well; we are not a gang, and we welcome new members. So, to make things OK, I invite you to the Old Dude's bar, I will buy you a drink, and assign the RLC girl (or guy) of your choice to sit on your lap while we smoke fine cigars. 8)
Cho Posted September 17, 2014 Posted September 17, 2014 Don't worry guys, all this is not serious and I hope you will stay with us, even though there is not much to look at right now. It is simply an exchange of divergent ideas. You say that life would be dull if everyone thought the same thing. And since you'r invited to have a drink, go ahead but well monitored what is poured. Some beverage are bitter. ;) See you soon.
Guest Ange_Gardien Posted September 17, 2014 Posted September 17, 2014 THANK FOAMY ... and sorry about the way I responded There 'are more serious and more serious things in life and CC should be a place of calm and friendliness Too bad we forget how lucky dice once we make one click and we will find hundreds of different horizon Sorry again and good luck to all It was regrettable, but I'm glad we overcame the difficulties. We shake hands (in my case, paws). I agree with your opinion that CC should be a place of calm and friendliness. Sometimes we get old and cranky, and I have an innate fear of trolls and get a bit trigger happy. I don't know Linked very well; we are not a gang, and we welcome new members. So, to make things OK, I invite you to the Old Dude's bar, I will buy you a drink, and assign the RLC girl (or guy) of your choice to sit on your lap while we smoke fine cigars. 8) You see I would ask one person Ruslan, not to smoke cigars with him just to explain that it takes hard work to live So this will be my contribution to CC that we will avoid the hundreds of hate post
Ozi Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 And since you'r invited to have a drink, go ahead but well monitored what is poured. Some beverage are bitter. ;) See you soon. Well we've all made peace with Ange_Gardien and I think, hopefully, rightly so. But mate as far as I'm concerned, your last comment proves you are a total arsehole.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Down boy, down. Does anyone make a leash the can hold down a Tasmanian devil? ... nope, I thought not.
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